Thursday, November 5, 2020
Get a flat and strong stomach in just eight weeks
Do you also have an annoying hatred on your stomach? Do as our tough test person, and eat and exercise based on our exercise program and diet plan. You will be able to see results in just eight weeks.
Get rid of stomach cramps with exercise and diet
If you have the most fat around your stomach, it is a good idea to take a closer look at your entire lifestyle. Because if the fat is around the organs, it is a ticking health bomb, as it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. If you have a lot of belly fat, you probably eat too much or too unhealthy, but other factors can also come into play. For example, stress, as the stress hormone cortisol both increases appetite and the tendency to store fat on the stomach. Digestion also affects how the stomach looks. If digestion does not work properly, and you do not go to the toilet regularly, you can not get a flat stomach.
A third risk factor is too little sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, it can affect your hormone balance and increase your appetite even if you are not actually hungry. Age also has an effect on how tight or relaxed your stomach looks. The muscle tissue changes over the years and becomes looser. Therefore, it is incredibly important to strengthen the body core to have a slimming effect around the abdomen. Hard abdominal exercises simply hold the intestines in place, and you avoid the stomach being unnecessarily bloated.
See our test person's crazy results.
How to eat
- Increase protein intake by e.g. eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, skyr and cottage cheese.
- Avoid starches such as white pasta, white rice, potatoes, light bread and sugar.
- Eat 600 grams - one kilo of vegetables daily and a maximum of one fruit. Eat some more fat.
- Avoid fatty dairy products.
- Drink two to three liters of water every day.
This is how you should train
Abdominal: Do the three abdominal exercises four times a week.
Whole body: Do strength exercises for the whole body twice a week. Use the three arm and three seat exercises from the other programs, and feel free to do them at the same time as the abdominal exercises.
Fitness: One hour each week. You choose the form of exercise yourself - the most important thing is that you give full throttle, breathe and sweat properly. This is how you burn a lot of calories. Running and group lessons such as spinning and HIIT are good choices.
Exercise 1
Seated arm raises.
- Sit with bent legs and straight arms in front of you.
- Exhale, tighten your stomach, lean back and stretch your arms towards the ceiling without relaxing your abdominal muscles so that they bulge out. The more you lean back, the harder the exercise becomes. Hold the last repetition and make small pulse movements backwards with your arms 12 times.
Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 12 + 12 pulse movements.

The abdominal muscles should be tight at all times. Imagine that they are flat as a cutting board.You will need: A pillow, exercise ball or rolled-up mat to support your lower back.© Jakob Helbig
Exercise 2
Toe sink.
- Lie on your back and bend both legs at a 90-degree angle. Stretch both arms straight up in the air.
- Inhale, lower one toe to the floor and at the same time lower the opposite arm to the floor. Exhale and pull your leg and arm up again. Repeat with opposite leg and arm.
Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 12 on each leg.

Focus on tightening your abdominal muscles and pushing your lower back into the floor. © Jakob Helbig
Exercise 3
The plank with tilt.
Stand on your hands in the plank and tighten your abdominal muscles. Tilt your body back and forth with gentle movements, so that you really challenge your abdominal muscles. One tilt forward and one backward is one repetition.
Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 12.

The shoulders should be directly over the hands in the starting position.Pull the tailbone under the body so that you do not sway in the back or lower back. Tilt your body back and forth while tightening your abdominal muscles. © Jakob Helbig
In FORM's test person
Line, 35, put on 25 kilos during her pregnancy. With the help of exercise and little sugar and starch, the stomach is soon flat and strong again.
Body measurements
Weight: 76.7 kg
Fat: 37.5%
Waist: 86 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Fat: 30.4%
Waist: 71 cm
Strength test
The plank: 1:50 min (on the knees)
Planks: 2:10 min. (on straight legs)

"It takes time and planning. But it's worth it when I still have energy left and am not hungry for something sweet at 5pm." © Jakob Helbig
How to lose fat on the abdomen, buttocks and arms
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