Saturday, December 21, 2019

France Has the Best Healthcare System in the World

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As the United States struggles toward a system of universal health care, many have looked at the Canadian health care system as a model. Only a few have looked toward France. That's a mistake for at least 2 reasons.

First, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), France has the best health care system in the world . It has been widely reported that the WHO found the French system to be number 1 while the Canadian system is number 30 and the U.S. number 37.

It should be noted here that the WHO rankings actually contain multiple rankings and the numbers generally quoted are the ranking based on the measure that the WHO calls the OP ranking. OP is said to measure "overall performance" adjusted to reflect a country's performance based on how well it theoretically could have performed. When reporting the rankings of 1 for France, 30 for Canada and 37 for the United States, it is the OP ranking being used.

Why did the French system do so well in the WHO rankings? The French system excels in 4 areas:

  • It provides universal coverage

  • It has responsive health care providers

  • Patients have freedom of choice

  • The health and longevity of the population

Second, we should be looking more closely at the French system because it has more similarities with the U.S. system than either the Canadian or British system. Many Americans assume that the French system is like the system in Britain. Nothing could be further from the truth or more insulting to the French.

Exactly like the United States, the French system relies on both private insurance and government insurance. Also, just like in America, people generally get their insurance through their employer. What is different is that everyone in France has health insurance. Every legal resident of France has access to health care under the law of universal coverage called la Couverture maladie universelle.

Under the French system, health insurance is a branch of Social Security or the Sécurité Sociale. The system is funded primarily by taxing the salaries of workers. An employee in France will pay about 20% of their salary to fund the Sécurité Sociale. These taxes represent about 60% of the cost of the health insurance plan.

The balance of the funding comes from the self employed, who pay more than salaried workers, and by indirect taxes on alcohol and tobacco. Finally, additional taxes are levied against other income, both direct and indirect.

The French share the same distaste for restrictions on patient choice as American do. The French system relies on autonomous private practitioners rather than a British-style national health service. The French are very dismissive of the British system which they call "socialized medicine." Virtually all physicians in France participate in the nation's public health insurance, Sécurité Sociale.

Perhaps it's time for us to take a closer look at French ideas about health care reform.

Source by Sheila Guilloton

Gain Weight by Eating Healthy Food


Being underweight is as destructive as being overweight. Being too skinny may directly affect your work and personality. It can also lead to health issues in the long run. Several medical conditions such as thyroid problems can be responsible for a person being skinny. While some people can be naturally skinny and healthy, it is difficult for some to gain weight easily. It takes several days to gain weight; it is not an overnight job. Slowly and steadily weight can be increased while maintaining a proper health balance.

The most important thing to do in this scenario is to have a better caloric intake. These 5 tips may come handy for those aiming at gaining weight in a healthy way.

1. Intake of maximum proteins: Out of the top tips to gain weight, the most important is eating plenty of proteinous foods. As muscle mass is made out of protein, eating calories in terms of proteins is vital.

Without protein, those extra calories from the food might end up in excess of body fat. High protein foods like legumes and nuts can be helpful. Eating sufficient amounts of proteins can help in gaining muscle weight instead of body fat. A high protein diet thus helps in gaining muscle weight by acting as a building block.

2. Eat carbohydrates and fat: Eating a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat is essential to gain weight. Each meal should consist of proper portions of carbohydrates, fat, and proteins. Your meal intake should be at least 3 times each day. Make sure the food contains energy-dense snacks along with these 3 meals. This ensures plenty of carbohydrates, fat, and proteins. Eating healthy food acts as catalyst for gaining weight.

3. Energy-packed food: Eating energy-packed food is a healthy way to gain weight. These nutritious food items include nuts like Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, etc and dried fruits like raisins, etc.

Whole grain food like brown rice and oats are very useful to gain weight in a healthy way. Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be included in the diet, as well. Such a diet is highly filling and hence, split it in appropriate time intervals so that you don't have to force the food inside you. Squeeze in some extra snacks or meals whenever possible.

4. Regular exercise: Gymming is just one of the ways for you to build muscles and gain weight. If a gym is not suitable, opt for any other kind of exercise regime like Yoga or Zumba. Also, try and play your favourite sport / game whenever possible. This will ensure that the food you eat is properly digested and converted into energy, further building your body strength and muscle.

5. Do not drink water before meals: Drinking water before meals reduces your intake quantity and in-turn hunger. For proper digestion, make sure to drink water 30 minutes after having meals.

Eating the right kind of fat is extremely important. Trans fats should be avoided and healthy fats should be consumed. Underweight individuals often wonder how to gain weight fast! Luckily, the answer is very simple: just eat right portions of the right food at right intervals of time.

Consume organic and fresh food for better results in putting on those extra calories. Make sure to buy organic food from the most authentic organic food supplier, only!

Source by Karthik Guduru

The Keto Diet and Weight Loss


If you have had a desire to shed some extra pounds, then perhaps you could have come across ketogenic diet, which is popularly known as Keto diet. It is a popular weight loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time.

But far from what most people believe it to be, the diet is not a magical tool for weight loss. Just like any other diet, it takes time, requires a lot of adjustment and tracking to see results.

What is the Keto diet?

The keto diet is aimed at putting your body in Ketosis. This diet plan is usually low carb with high intake of healthy fats, vegetables and sufficient proteins. In the this diet, there is also an emphasis on avoiding highly processed foods and sugars.

There are several types of Keto diets: standard ketogenic, cyclical, targeted and the high-protein diets. The difference in them depends on the carb intake. The standard ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat and adequate protein is the most recommended.

Is the Keto Diet Safe?

Most critics of the Keto diet say that it is not safe because of the emphasis on consuming high fat content. This is guided by the misconception that fats are bad for you. On the contrary, healthy fats are actually very good for you.

With this diet, you get lots of fats from healthy sources like avocado, nuts, fish, butter, eggs, coconut oil, palm oil, seeds like chia and red meat.

How Does the Keto Diet Aid in Weight Loss?

So how does the keto diet really work and help your body lose excess pounds? When on a high carb diet, your body uses glucose from carbohydrates and sugars to fuel body activities. When on a ketogenic diet, you supply the body with minimal amounts of carbs and sugars.

With reduced sugar and carbs supply, the glucose levels in the body are depleted causing the body to look for alternative energy sources. The body therefore turns to stored fats for energy which is why the Keto diet leads to weight loss.

This condition where your body burns fats for energy other than carbs is called ketosis. When your body goes into ketosis, it produced ketones as the fuel source rather than depending on glucose. Ketones and glucose are the only two power sources that fuel the brain.

Benefits of Ketosis and the Keto diet

Besides just aiding in weight loss, putting the body in ketosis comes with other health benefits too. Here are some of them:

  • Enhanced mental clarity

  • Improved physical energy

  • Steady blood sugar levels which makes it a good remedy for epilepsy and diabetes

  • Improved and enhanced skin tones

  • Lower cholesterol levels

  • Hormone regulation especially in women

The Ketogenic diet is one of the best diets you can follow for weight loss and to enhance your overall health. The diet can also be used for children who are overweight. There are numerous studies that support the diet showing significant results especially when coupled with exe

Source by Mathenge Kabui

Benefits of All Natural Weight Loss Supplements


People all around the globe want to have a flat stomach desperately, and this is why they are increasingly opting for all natural weight loss supplements that promise quick results without any side effects.

You can also find several diet pills that are useless as they increase the risk of heart attacks and diabetes. No matter how strongly a pill claims to reduce your weight fast, you must understand that there is no magic pill that will melt away the pounds.

A natural supplement is a good alternative for those people who want to stay away from chemical-based, harmful weight loss supplements that damage heart valves. Thus, all natural weight loss supplements are safer alternative to losing body weight. It is also important that you are positive towards losing weight if you want the natural supplement to work fast.

Selling natural supplements to lose those extra pounds is a big business in the U.S. as Americans spend billions of dollars on such remedies. Even Hollywood celebrities promote all natural weight loss supplements and programs. However, one key aspect of herbal weight loss supplement is that the FDA department that is responsible for drug safety does not check natural supplements. Thus, as a consumer, you need to be extra careful before you buy any weight loss supplement as the claims made by the manufacturer can be false.

Medical research suggests that the topmost method to attain flat stomach is by restricting the calorie intake and increasing the physical activity. Turning to diet pills that artificially stimulate the metabolism to lose weight can do more harm than good. So, always trust only natural supplements.

There are several natural ingredients used in natural weight loss supplements, so when buying one you must look for them. Take a look.

• Green tea extract is commonly used in herbal supplements as it helps to speed up your metabolism and burn fat. It is a powerful supplement to kick-start slow metabolism. According to research, green tea can increase burning of calories while you are resting by 4%.

• Another natural ingredient is Hoodia that is a natural appetite suppressant.

• Glucomannan (extracted from the Konjac plant) is yet another ingredient that slows the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and also works as an appetite suppressant.

• The two effective natural supplements that are used to reduce blood sugar are l-arabinose and chromium. Both help decrease blood sugar by reducing sugar enzyme action and removing glucose from the blood by shifting it to the cells where it is transformed to energy.

• More natural supplements that help lose weight are white bean extract and irvingia. They help in managing diabetes and reducing weight.

Turning to dangerous fad diets and pills to lose weight can result in serious consequences. So it is best to eat a healthy diet and follow regular exercise regime combined with ONLY all natural weight loss supplements to get the body of your dreams.

Source by Patricia Simmons

Friday, December 20, 2019

How Traditional Chinese Health Beliefs and Chinese Culture Influence Health and Illness?

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Traditional Chinese health beliefs adopt a holistic view emphasizing the importance of environmental factors in increasing risk of disease. According to Quah (1985), these factors influence the balance of body's harmony, yin and yang. These are two opposite but complementary forces and, together with qi (vital energy), they control the universe and explain the relationship between people and their surroundings. Imbalance in these two forces, or in the qi, results in illness.

In order to restore the balance, traditional remedial practices may be needed. For example, excess `hot' energy can be counterbalanced by cooling herbal teas, and vice versa. These beliefs are deeply ingrained among the Chinese, and have been found to be unchanged following migration to Singapore.

Lee, et. al. (2004), found that patients with specific chronic diseases, namely arthritis, musculoskeletal diseases and stroke, were more likely to use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This was strongly determined by the 'chronic disease triad', perceived satisfaction with care and cultural health beliefs.

Hence the use of TCM is not associated with the quality of doctor-patient interaction. Astin (1998) also agreed that it was seen as being more compatible with the patients' values, spiritual and religious philosophy, or beliefs regarding the nature and meaning of health and illness.

In traditional Chinese culture, taking medication is thought to be aversive, hence medications tend to be taken only until symptoms are relieved and then discontinued; if symptoms are not obvious, medications will probably never be taken.

Apart from parental cultural beliefs, minor side effects of certain antibiotics such as stomach upset may contribute to the poor adherence of medication. The use of "leftover", "shared" antibiotics and over-the-counter purchase of antibiotics by parents are common situations in the community.

They think that their children suffer from the same illnesses judging by the similar symptoms, so they would give the "leftover" or "shared" antibiotics to their children and only bring them to their doctors if there is no improvement (Chang & Tang, 2006). This may cause their conditions to deteriorate and may necessitate aggressive treatments later which may have unnecessary side effects.

However, there are small groups of Chinese who also blamed ill-health or misfortunes on supernatural forces, or on divine retribution, or on the malevolence of a 'witch' or 'sorcerer' (Helman, 1994). Such groups will usually seek cures from their religions.

In Singapore, the Ministry of Health has drawn up the TCM Practitioners' Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines to prevent any unscrupulous practitioners from preying on their patients and taking advantage of their beliefs, for example, molesting ignorant patients.

The degree of acculturation has been evidenced in the following case. An old man was brought into our hospital with a week-long history of malaise, nausea and vomiting, and sudden jaundice. He was diagnosed to have an obstructive mass in the liver.

A biopsy revealed hepatocellular carcinoma. The serological test suggested chronic active hepatitis B. When the news broke to his son that his father had cancer, he requested not to disclose that to his father.

When we discussed end of life issues such as hospice care and "do-not-resuscitate" (DNR) orders, the son tried to divert the discussion to other issues such as when his father could go home.

Cultural Issues that may be involved in this case are:

The Chinese tend to protect the elderly from bad news.

Believing in karma - the older folk believe that discussing illnesses or death/dying is bad luck. They think that talking about something bad will cause it to come true.

There is an increased incidence of liver cancer resulting from Hepatitis B due to delayed treatment in the elderly, as it may take a long time for them to accept the initial diagnosis.


Astin JA. (1998). Why patients use alternative medicine. J Am Med Assoc 1998; 279: 1548-1553.

Chan, G. C. & Tang, S. F. (2006) Parental knowledge, attitudes and antibiotic use for acute upper respiratory tract infection in children attending a primary healthcare clinic in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal, 47(4):266

Helman, C. G. (1990) Culture, Health and Illness. Wright, London.

Quah, S. R. (1985) The Health Belief Model and preventive health behaviour in Singapore. Social Science and Medicine, 21, 351-363.

Lee GBW, Charn TC, Chew ZH and Ng TP. (2004). Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with chronic diseases in primary care is associated with perceived quality of care and cultural beliefs. Family Practice, 21(6): 654-660.

Source by Maurice Wong

How Did Don Vierra Become the World Renowned Consultant in Health Information System?


For those in Health Informatics, the name "Vieira" might not sound strange. Immanuel Antonius, professionally known as Don Vieira, is a successful and independent consultant who has reached horizons beyond expectations. The 32-year old Technoprenuer has ticked off projects, which most consultants still consider as a dream.While he was brought up in Namibia, his expertise and skills were never limited to the boundaries. If Namibia is his primary home, his work stations or contracted duty stations have become the secondary residence where he used to spend most of his days.

As far as his academic background is concerned, he holds an Honors' degree in Computer Science, Advanced diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation, certifications on Health Information Systems (HIS) and A masters' degree in Biometrics from the University of Paris - Est créteil in France.

Like people dream of being associated with tech giants such as Facebook or Google, he achieved the milestone of serving for similar giants in the health sector. Some of his notable associations are with World Health Organization (WHO), Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United Nations (UN), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), IntraHealth International, Global Fund, Population Service International (PSI), Jay Snow Inc. and the list goes on.

Apart from his experience in healthcare informatics, language is one of those factors that contributed to his stature elevation. His understanding about seven languages, including English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, has helped him deal with people from different backgrounds.In other words, there has never been any force that stopped him from achieving his goals across the borders.

With Ten (10) years of experience, he has built and supported several national systems such as the e-Health, Malaria, TB, PMTCT, Nutrition, VMMC and HIV- just to mention a few. He also trained more than 20,000 people including government officials, managers, nurses, doctors and technical people to bring significant changes in their methods of elevating the quality of life for the public.

Vieira has developed strong professional relationships with several organisations in Kenya, Uganda, Mocambique, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Germany, India, DRC, Zambia and the United States.Most of them used to admire his determination and skills for giving the best in every area.

If he is assigned to a work, there is no force that can stop him from transforming a novice into an expert. Below are three of some of the notable milestones that gave a kick start to his career:

1. A Discrete Choice Experiment for pharmacists- he worked with Dr. Peter Rockers, an assistant professor in the Department of Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health, to bring visible changes in the health informatics. At the time of experiment, Dr. Peter Rockers was at Harvard Medical School.

2. Vieira wore the big shoe when he took over the position of HIS Technical Advisor from Jim Sitzer, who went to become the Director in Public Health for the Umatilla County Health Department, Oregon in the US.

3. During Vieira's venture as a Technical Advisor for JSI, he developed a web-based master facility (MFL) for Namibia. It consists of a map indicating the location of all public health facilities in the country.The list aims to assist public locate services provided by the nearest health facilities, on the other hand, it also aims to guide the ministry of health in planning and equity in resource allocation and distribution. The MFL was built based on WHO guidelines

Due to internet connectivity issues in most rural áreas, the Health Extension Workers were forced to use paper registers to collect patients' information. This led to poor data quality since paper would torn or get lost. With an urge to find an appropriate solution, he created a mobile app that has the capability to store data without internet connectivity.

Over the past few years, Vieira has won few accolades and gained international recognition for his consultancy expertise.His efforts have also managed to attract new audiences including influential decision makers from government authorities to NGOs. His passion for innovation and Technopreneurshipis what that has always made him different from others.

For his next project, he promised to create what most government bodies and NGOs have failed to implement- "The Situation Room" that will bring new changes to the health sector.

Source by Anusha Saeed

How to Cook Healthy Food

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In order to cook healthy, the first thing to keep in mind is to use healthy ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients. They are not only necessary for proper functioning of all the system but also keep our immune system strong so that it can effectively fight diseases. Of this fact, many are aware and make it a point to carefully choose a balanced diet and choice ingredients! But there are some equally important aspects of healthy cooking that unfortunately get ignored - mostly due to lack of awareness.

For one, the cookware we use greatly affects the quality of food cooked in it. Consider conventional cookware that's made of different metals and ceramics that are not appropriate for cooking albeit being so popular. Why is it not appropriate? Read on:

Food is a biochemical entity. All metals are reactive to nutrients that are in the form of oxygen, hydrogen halogens, acids, and bases. At cooking temperature, metals break into ions and react with food. They are then digested with food and accumulate in tissues and organs. When this continues for long, it becomes the foundation for various health problems that may range from minor illnesses to chronic diseases. The immune system is compromised as well which makes it difficult for the body to fight diseases on its own.

Try touching a metal pan five minutes into heating, it burns tissues and leaves a scar. Same thing happens to the nutrients in food when cooked in metal or ceramic cookware. On one hand, the harsh heat damages the delicate nutrients by dissolving them. On the other, water-soluble nutrients evaporate as steam and deplete the nutritional value of food. What's left is food lacking in nutritive value and full of toxins.

It's easy to find out if your cookware is leaching, just do an alkaline baking soda test at your home to check the toxicity of a cookware!

There is no healthy cooking without healthy cookware! - one that doesn't leach toxins into food and doesn't mess with the nutrients. Pure clay is a healthy material that is appropriate for making healthy cookware. It can be harvested from unfarmed and non-industrialized lands, as it is found in purest form at those places. Pure clay has naturally inert properties making it the most non-reactive of all cookware materials in the market.

Also, they radiate a unique far-infrared heat that penetrates deep into every grain and gently cooks without destroying the delicate nutrients. They are known for their excellent steam management properties that play a key role in preserving water-soluble nutrients. Thus, the nutritional value of food remains intact, making pure-clay the best choice for making healthy cookware.

Source by Sharon Ray

Two Weeks Tuna Diet Plan Which Works


This is a real tuna diet plan which works and allows you to lose 11 pounds in the first two weeks. Tuna diet plan suits people who like seafood products.

Create your own diet menu. You need to choose one meal from four options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


1. two slices of black bread, lettuce, tomato, 50 g of tuna in its own juice.

2. 25 g of flakes (without sugar) with milk, toast of black bread with a little marmalade, a small banana.

3. A toast, 50 g of tuna in its own juice, a glass of lemon juice, tomato.

4. 50 g of boiled mushrooms, one boiled egg, and one slice well roasted on grill bacon, a crispy cracker, cup of orange juice.


1. 150 g of tuna and a large portion of mixed salad, filled lemon juice.

2. 90 g of tuna and a large portion of mixed salad, filled lemon juice, a small bun.

3. A toast, boiled tuna with tbsp of tomato sauce and a large portion of green vegetable salad, mixed with lemon juice;

4. Sandwich of two small slices of black bread with salad and tuna.

In addition, the meal must have fresh fruit (choose one) - apple, orange, pear, plum or two small bananas.


1. 150 g of smoked ham boiled in water, 12 g of spaghetti in tomato sauce, boiled tuna and broccoli or cabbage.

2. 250 g of chicken, cooked on a grill (without skin), green beans, baked tomatoes, 50 g of mushrooms boiled in a small number of chicken broth, a large portion of green salad filled with lemon juice and a glass of diet yogurt.

3. 75 g of low- fat roasted meat with 150 grams of tuna, mushroom soup with onions, tomatoes and spices; 125 g of boiled potatoes, a large portion of cabbage and cauliflower.

4. 150 g of boiled tuna with the addition of lemon juice and 6 g margarine, courgettes or cauliflower, broccoli, lemon slice.

It is also necessary to include fresh fruit after dinner.

Alcoholic drinks and snacks:

A glass of dry wine glass; crispy bun with salad; small chocolate bars or two dry biscuits, 150 grams of grapes.

It is recommended to consult health care professional before beginning any new diet.

Source by Paul J Green

Obey Your Diet Plan

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If you're overweight, you could be prone to social, emotional and health problems. You need to plan a strict diet to aid you through losing weight.

Whether it was written by you or by a professional, a weight loss plan doesn't have to be too complex or too demanding in tone. Instead of having the plan command you like an army commander, make it your new best friend. Think of it as your coach. A friendly but strict coach. In that way, you won't feel intimidated by your own rules.

In order to keep in track and attain your goals, your plan should be reasonable and realistic. Make sure your plan is simple and effective so it would be easier for you to do them. If you're 65 kilos, don't dream of losing 30 kilos in 30 days. The BMI or Body Mass Index is a good basis if you need to shed pounds or not.

Another factor is your reason behind the plan. If you plan to lose weight just to bring your ex back or make her new partner envy then forget about it. Your objectives should be for your own sake. Don't let vanity force you to do this. Sooner or later you might realize that your intentions aren't that helpful which might stop you from continuing the plan.

If you're planning to write your own, here are things to consider in your plan:

  • Your exercise schedule

  • Ultimate Goal

  • Daily calorie intake

  • List of food you can eat

  • List list of food you can't eat

  • Journal entries

  • Calendar of Healthy Activities

  • Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Always remember that a plan is not a wishlist. You don't write a plan just to let it stay in the drawer for ages. A Plan is made to be realistic because you know that you will soon take action. Do everything you have to do to be what you want to be. Respect your plan like how you respect your trainer. Make it happen.

Source by Ferhena Mayet

High School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options

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As wrestling season draws near, wrestlers begin to contemplate the weight class in which they may wrestle. Wrestlers often believe that they will be more competitive at the lowest weight they can reach without sacrificing their strength and endurance. This isn't always the case. Too often, wrestlers end up dehydrated. They end up starving themselves and their performance suffers greatly.

If you're looking for an article on cutting weight, this isn't it. If you're the kind of wrestler who can lose ten pounds in wrestling practice, this article may not interest you either. I could never sweat off a lot of weight, so I was always more interested in manipulating my diet to lose weight. There are, of course, a myriad of diets to choose from. I simply want to discuss ten diets of which I am familiar. Maybe one of them will interest you and you can research it further. Let's explore.

1. Low Carb/High Protein Diet

The Atkins Diet is probably the most famous low carb diet. So, what exactly is a low carb diet? A low carb diet limits carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals, grains, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, fruit, and sometimes even milk.

The theory is that carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels which in turn raise insulin levels. Spiking insulin levels is considered bad because the idea is that insulin tells the body to store carbohydrates as body fat and prevents the body from accessing body fat as a fuel source. Supposedly, if you follow a low carb diet plan you can lose excess body fat without having to drastically limit your food intake.

Some low carb diets focus on limiting carbohydrates while increasing one's intake of fat and protein.

Some low carb diets focus more on the glycemic index. The glycemic index essentially measures how much a given food raises one's blood sugar levels. For instance, white rice may have a glycemic index of 58 while broccoli may only have a glycemic index of 15. White bread may have a glycemic index as high as 71. The idea is that a diet composed of low glycemic foods will lead to lower insulin levels which in turn may help one lose weight.

Patrick Holford takes the glycemic index one step further and uses a concept called the glycemic load. The glycemic load takes into account the glycemic index as well as the total carbs in a given amount of food. For instance, a bowl of steel-cut oats (1 oz.) has 2 GL while a bowl of corn flakes has 21 GL. In addition, half an apple has 3 GL while a banana has 12 GL. That is quite a difference. Holford is a big fan of oats. He claims in his book The Holford Low GL Diet, "There are specific foods and food combinations that cause rapid weight loss." He claims that you will never feel hungry on his diet. You limit the number of GLs you eat in a day and you combine carbs and protein at each meal.

Tim Ferriss champions a diet he refers to as the Slow-Carb Diet. On this regimen one avoids carbohydrates like bread, pasta, cereals, grains, potatoes, etc. Then simply choose one protein, one legume, and one vegetable for each meal. For example, breakfast might be scrambled eggs, black beans, and mixed vegetables. Lunch might be beef, pinto beans, and mixed vegetables. And, dinner might be chicken breast, lentils, and asparagus. Eat as much as you want at each meal and eat up to six times a day. But, always avoid carbs and dairy products and always include a protein, legume, and vegetable.

Some low carb diet books include Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, Protein Power, The Zone Diet, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, The South Beach Diet, The Greenwich Diet, The No-Grain Diet, and Sugar Busters.

I suppose the main attraction of low carb diets is that one can burn fat and spare muscle while not having to restrict the amount one eats drastically. On the other hand, low carb diets can make one fatigued and irritable until one gets used to the low carb regimen. Keep in mind that there are several different versions of low carb diets.

2. Paleolithic Diet (Paleo Diet)

The Paleolithic (Paleo) diet seeks to replicate what humans ate during the Paleolithic Era. This diet may also be referred to as the Stone Age Diet, Cave Man Diet, or Hunter-Gatherer Diet. The Paleo diet is purported to promote weight loss as well as provide high fiber, protein, and omega-3 fats.

Foods You Can Eat:

  • Lean Meat (skinless chicken breast, turkey, cuts of lean beef like sirloin and extra-lean hamburger, cuts of lean pork, seafood)

  • Eggs

  • Fruits including berries

  • Vegetables including root vegetables like carrots

  • Nuts such as walnuts, macadamia, almonds, pecans, and pistachios

  • Seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds

  • Olive oil, flaxseed oil, nut oils, fish oil, canola oil, and avocado

Foods To Avoid:

  • Grains

  • Pasta

  • Bread

  • Cereals

  • Potatoes

  • Sugar

  • Beans

  • Dairy Products

The Paleo diet may seem similar to the low carb diet and it is in some ways. For instance, it doesn't allow grain products. However, the Paleo Diet does allow fruits. In addition, it makes a distinction between lean meat and fatty meat which I think is beneficial. Moreover, cheese can be eaten on a low carb diet but dairy is not allowed on the Paleo Diet because it would not have been a food consumed during the Paleolithic era.

I like the Paleo Diet because it provides fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

3. Anabolic Diet

The Anabolic Diet was developed by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. He developed this diet primarily for bodybuilders looking for an alternative to steroids and other drugs. He states, "The Anabolic Diet maximizes the production and utilization of the Big 3 growth producers - testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin - and does it naturally. It also shifts the body's metabolism from that of a sugar burning, fat producing machine to that of a fat burning machine." The Anabolic Diet is a high fat/high protein/low carb diet with a twist. The Anabolic Diet employs a method called carb cycling. For example, you eat a high fat/high protein/low carb diet for five days followed by a high carb diet for two days.

A more generic term for this diet would be cyclic ketogenic diet or simply carb cycling. The idea is that you must eat fat to burn fat. You can find specific guidelines about what to eat on low carb versus high carb days online.

So, it's not as strict as a low carb diet because you can carb up for a day or two. You still need to watch the total amount of calories that you consume because you're not a bodybuilder trying to gain weight, you're a wrestler trying to stay lean or even lose weight.

I've never tried this diet before and have no idea how it would work for a wrestler. I suppose, in theory, that one could eat low carb during the week and carb up on Saturday when tournaments are usually held. On the other hand, eating a lot of fat seems like a strange idea to most of us. If this diet interests you, I would suggest doing an internet search for anabolic diet or cyclic ketogenic diet to learn more.

4. Intermittent Fasting (IF)

This is a way of eating of that involves cycling periods of fasting (i.e. not eating) and eating. You can fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. The idea is that fasting twice a week reduces the total number of calories one takes in during any given week. For instance, you may have dinner at 6:00 pm one evening and not eat again until 6:00 pm the following evening. If you normally consume three meals a day, then you would simply skip breakfast and lunch two days a week but still have dinner on those days. Sure you might get a bit hungry, but it's only 24 hours and you'll only do it about twice a week. You never technically have to go a day without eating. If you eat at 6:00 pm on Monday, you can still eat on Tuesday; you just have to wait until 6:00 pm again. A good book on the subject of IF is Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.

A somewhat similar fasting routine is called The Warrior Diet created by Ori Hofmekler. On this regimen, you eat one main meal at night and you have the option of eating a small amount of food during the day. You follow this routine every day. You can eat some fruits and vegetables during the day. You can also eat small amounts of lean meats and eggs or a low-carb protein shake. You eat no grains or starches during the day. At your main evening meal, you can consume essentially anything you want but in a certain order. You eat vegetables first, then protein, and then if you're still hungry you can eat some carbohydrates.

While using the intermittent fasting method, you still want to eat healthy. While you can basically eat what you want when not fasting, you still want to eat fruits and vegetables and healthy sources of protein and carbohydrates. You can eat other foods too (e.g. a dessert) but don't use your non-fasting period as an excuse to binge on junk food.

5. Body for Life

Bodybuilder and entrepreneur Bill Phillips was the founder of Muscle Media 2000 magazine and later acquired the ESA supplement company. He is perhaps most known for authoring the book Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength. In this book he outlines a workout strategy and dietary strategy to transform one's body.

The dietary strategy involves eating six small meals a day which is believed to promote stable blood sugar and insulin levels. Small meals are also believed to be easier to digest and assimilate than three larger meals.

What can you eat for each small meal? You can eat a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrate. You are also encouraged to eat a serving of vegetables with some meals. A portion is about the size of the palm of your hand or your clenched fist. A potato the size of your clenched fist is a portion as is an apple. Two slices of whole wheat bread is a portion. A skinless chicken breast the size of your palm is a portion. You can also use MRP (meal replacement products) shakes and nutrition bars like Myoplex, Met-Rx, Meso-Tech, Muscle Meals, etc. that provide protein, carbs, and other nutrients all in one bar or shake.

Possible Meal Ideas:

  • One omelet and two slices of whole-wheat toast

  • Egg whites and oatmeal

  • Pancakes made with egg whites, oatmeal, protein powder, and fat-free yogurt

  • Combine one portion of low-fat cottage cheese and one portion of fat-free, sugar-free yogurt

  • One serving of chocolate MRP shake

  • Turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun

  • Chicken breast, steamed brown rice, and broccoli

  • Grilled sirloin steak, potato, mixed vegetables

  • One MRP nutrition bar

You are also encouraged to drink 10 glasses of water a day. You can consume one tablespoon of healthy fat a day such as olive, safflower, canola, sunflower, or flax seed oil. You can also consume small amounts of natural peanut butter and avocado.

You are encouraged to take one day off a week and eat whatever you want.

This plan is nice because you don't have to count calories and you probably won't get hungry eating six small meals a day. It may be hard to follow if you have a busy schedule.

6. Fit for Life

When Harvey Diamond co-authored Fit for Life, he helped bring the concept of natural hygiene into the mainstream. This way of eating isn't just about how much you eat but also when and how you eat it. This regimen is based on the principle of proper food combining. The idea is that different foods are broken down differently by the body and therefore should be eaten separately. Harvey Diamond makes a distinction between live foods (high-water-content food like fresh fruits and vegetables) and dead food (e.g. processed foods).

The Guidelines:

  • Fruit is always eaten alone at least two to three hours away from any other food.

  • Never eat more than one concentrated food (i.e. protein or starch) per meal.

  • Never combine starches and proteins (e.g. cereal and milk, bread and cheese, pasta and ground beef, fish and rice).

  • You can combine protein with vegetables or starches and vegetables.

  • Fat (e.g. butter, olive oil) is considered neutral. However, don't combine fat with protein.

  • Eggs and dairy products are discouraged.

  • Meat is discouraged but should be eaten alone or with vegetables if consumed.

Meal Ideas:

  • Breakfast - Fruit is encouraged because it is the food with the highest water content and is considered to be the best food to consume. So, you could eat two or more oranges or two apples or two bananas or other fruits and fruit combinations. However, if you don't like fruit you could have scrambled eggs with tomato and broccoli (i.e. protein and vegetables) or toast with butter (i.e. starch and fat). But, do not have eggs and toast or cereal and milk.

  • Lunch - You could have a large vegetable salad with some olive oil and lemon. You could skip the olive oil on your salad and put some pieces of grilled chicken on it. You could have a vegetable salad and some bread sticks. You could have vegetable soup and some bread sticks. Alternatively, you could have avocado slices and other vegetables (e.g. tomatoes) between two slices of whole-grain bread. You could have a large baked potato with butter and vegetables (just be sure to steer clear of bacon bits, cheese, and chili).

  • Dinner - You could have fish (or chicken or beef), vegetables, and a vegetable salad. Or, you could have rice (or couscous or pasta) with vegetables, and a vegetable salad. Or, if you like potatoes, then you could have a big baked potato with butter and vegetables.

  • If you want milk, yogurt, or ice cream then eat it alone at least two or three hours away from other food.

  • If you want fruit for a bedtime snack, then eat it alone at least two or three hours after dinner.

The motivational speaker and self-help guru Tony Robbins is an advocate of food combining. I've never tried it before. The good thing is that it focuses a lot on fruit and vegetables. In addition, your calories may be limited (helping with weight loss) when you can't combine starches and proteins, but at least you can still consume them if you choose.

7. High Carb/Low Fat Diet

Some doctors and nutritionists recommend a high card/low fat diet to lose weight and stay healthy - the exact opposite of the low carb advocates. Some names associated with low fat diets include Walter Kempner, Nathan Pritikin, Dean Ornish, and John McDougall. According to Dr. McDougall, his diet is "a diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), a wide assortment of vegetables, and fruit."

The advocates of these diets claim that a person can enjoy unlimited quantities of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains without feeling hungry. These diets contain less fat and more fiber than other diets.

According to Dr. McDougall, "Carbohydrate is the body's preferred fuel for daily activities and high-intensity exercise performance. Following a low-carbohydrate regime will impair performance."

A baked potato is only about 160 calories and essentially fat free. An apple is only about 100 calories and also essentially fat free. A slice of whole wheat bread is only about 75 calories and essentially fat free. A bowl of oatmeal is about 165 calories, 4 grams of fat, and 4 grams of fiber.

In contrast, a 3 oz. patty of 85% lean ground beef (broiled) is about 213 calories and 13 grams of fat. And, a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese is about 510 calories and 26 grams of fat. Moreover, a Snicker's Bar is about 270 calories and 14 grams of fat.

I'm not sure why everyone is so worried about cereals, potatoes, fruits, and breads. You can eat a lot of those foods for few calories if you don't add condiments.

Martin Katahn, author of The T-Factor Diet, believes that it is mainly fat in your diet that determines your body fat. He contends that protein and carbohydrate calories don't really matter that much. So, his approach is to count the fat grams in the food one eats and to keep the number low. He does, however, warn people to steer clear of highly processed fat-free desserts and snacks. Get your carbohydrates from fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. In addition, eat lean meat, chicken, and fish.

8. Satiety Index

The Satiety Index (developed by Susanna Holt, PhD.) measures the extent to which certain foods provide satiety (i.e. fill you up and satisfy your hunger). Certain foods are simply better at filling you up than others.

For the most part, foods that are high in protein, water, and fiber provide the most satiety.

Carbohydrates are also better at producing satiety than fatty foods.

All foods on the index are compared with white bread which is given the rank of 100.

Some Satiety Food Rankings:

  • Croissant - 47%

  • Doughnuts - 68%

  • Yogurt - 88%

  • Corn Flakes - 118%

  • White Rice - 138%

  • Cheese - 146%

  • Eggs - 150%

  • Whole Meal Bread - 157%

  • Beef - 176%

  • Popcorn - 154%

  • Apples - 197%

  • Oranges - 202%

  • Oatmeal - 209%

  • Potatoes, Boiled - 323%

As you can see, potatoes provide a much higher level of satiety than a croissant. Similarly, oatmeal is more satisfying than a doughnut. In addition, eggs are more satisfying than yogurt. Seemingly, a sandwich made with whole meal bread with some lean beef or tuna along with an apple could make a satisfying and filling lunch.

A concept related to satiety is caloric density or energy density. Caloric density is the number of calories in a specific amount of food. Foods high in fat have the highest energy density while foods high in water content have the lowest energy density.

For instance, cucumbers, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, and apples are very low in caloric density. Some other low caloric density foods include oatmeal, grapes, low-fat cottage cheese, peas, corn on the cob, potatoes, rice, and pasta.

In contrast, foods such as French fries, chocolate cake, pretzels, croissants, doughnuts, onion rings, chocolate chip cookies, bacon, milk chocolate bars, potato chips, and peanuts are much higher in caloric density. Even though pretzels are essentially fat free, they are high in energy density because they lack water and fiber.

Fresh corn (e.g. steamed corn or corn on the cob) has a caloric density of 0.92. However, a corn muffin has a caloric density of 4.14 and corn bread has a caloric density of 4.27. So, choose a big bowl of steamed corn if you're hungry.

Some low-fat cottage cheese and grapes could make a satisfying and filling meal.

9. Food Exchange System

The food exchange system is a dietary regimen most commonly associated with diabetic individuals. However, the food exchange system can be used by any individual as a guide to help them lose weight. Following this regimen can help one to plan balanced and nutritious meals.

The foods in this system are divided up into categories: starches (e.g. bread, cereals and grains, starchy vegetables, beans and peas), fruits, milk and yogurt, meat and meat substitutes, vegetables, and fats.

You need to know what constitutes a serving size. For instance, a serving of starch could be ¾ cup of ready-to-eat unsweetened cereal, 1 slice of bread, or ½ a bagel. A serving of fruit may be one small apple, banana, or orange. A serving of milk may be 1 cup of fat-free skim milk. A serving of meat may be 1 ounce of meat, poultry, fish, or cheese. A serving of vegetables may be ½ cup of cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables. A serving of fats may be 1 tsp. of butter or 1 tsp. of olive oil. These are just a few of the examples. There are also free foods like 1 tbsp. of fat-free mayonnaise or ¼ cup of salsa. In addition, there are ways of determining exchanges for sweets and combination foods (e.g. casseroles, pizza, and soups).

For a 1,200 Calorie Meal Plan You May Eat:

  • 5 Starches

  • 2 Fruits

  • 2 Milks

  • 5 Meats

  • 3 Vegetables

  • 4 Fats

So, you might have a breakfast that contains 1 starch, 1 fruit, 1 milk, and 1 fat. Then you would divide the remainder of your exchanges amongst lunch, dinner, and possibly snacks. Some people find this easier than counting calories.

A somewhat similar regimen may involve using the original USDA Food Pyramid as a guide for eating. According to Jane Kirby (a registered dietitian) and the American Dietetic Association, one can use the food pyramid to plan a weight-loss diet.

A Possible 1,200 Calorie Meal Plan:

  • 5 Bread group servings

  • 3 Vegetable group servings

  • 2 Fruit group servings

  • 2 Milk group servings

  • 5 ounces total for a day for Meat group (divide up into 2 or 3 servings if you want from lean meats or eggs)

10. Counting Calories

Calorie counting is nothing new.

A Los Angeles physician named Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters published a book entitled Diet and Health, With a Key to the Calories in 1918. She recommended consuming no more than 1,200 calories per day, with somewhat more allowed after one's goal weight was reached.

Calories in Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat:

  • Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram

  • Protein = 4 calories per gram

  • Fat = 9 calories per gram

Keep in mind that 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat. Therefore if you cut 500 calories a day from your diet, you'll lose approximately one pound a week (7 days x 500 calories = 3,500 calories).

A simple formula for losing weight is to take your current bodyweight times 10 and eat that number of calories daily to lose weight. For example, a wrestler who weighs 150 pounds would eat 1,500 calories daily (150 x 10 = 1,500). To maintain your weight, take your bodyweight times 15. A 125 pound wrestler wishing to maintain his weight would eat 1,875 calories daily (125 x 15 = 1,875).

Calorie counting is becoming popular again. For example, you may have noticed packages of 100-calorie snacks in the supermarket.

You can still find books listing calorie counts for common foods as well as restaurant foods. And, almost every food at the supermarket contains nutrition information including calories.

Calorie counting can be inconvenient. Individuals sometimes get hungry on a calorie-controlled diet. Nonetheless, calorie counting works for many people.

Final Words

The best advice I have to give is to simply wrestle at your natural weight. But, I know that many of will choose not to because you think you'll be more competitive at a lower weight. Some of you may have to cut weight to reach a certain body weight in order to make the team.

I used to eat a lot of oatmeal and other cereals, whole wheat bread, rice cakes, potatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, green beans, milk, yogurt, cheese, and lean meat during my high school wrestling career. I counted every calorie and limited my fat intake because that's what worked for me.

It's interesting to look back at what I ate. I ate a lot of oatmeal which is low on the glycemic load, low in caloric density (when cooked with water), relatively low in fat, and high on the satiety index. I didn't know all of that back when I was wrestling. I just knew that oatmeal was low in calories and provided a filling breakfast.

I also ate a lot of apples and green beans. These foods are low in calories and fat, but are high in water content and fiber. In addition, I ate a lot of potatoes which are very high on the satiety index.

You may be different.

Perhaps you're one of those guys that can lose 5 to 10 pounds of water weight in a practice. Or, perhaps you like meat and, therefore, a low carb diet would suit you better.

Even some of the greatest wrestlers can become disheartened with dieting and cutting weight. Three- time NCAA wrestling champion and Olympic silver medalist Barry Davis cracked once when faced with the strain of cutting weight. He almost missed the Big Ten Tournament in 1982 because of the pressure of cutting weight. Many other great wrestlers have had tough experiences cutting weight as well.

On the other hand, John Smith (two-time Olympic gold medalist and winner of multiple world championships) took a different approach to weight control. He disciplined himself to maintain year-round weight control (according to Wrestling Tough by Mike Chapman). Smith kept near his competition weight throughout the year.

Other wrestlers have had success by working hard and wrestling near their natural body weight and sometimes cutting no weight whatsoever.

If you decide to cut weight for wrestling, please don't starve and dehydrate yourself. It's unhealthy, dangerous, and will most likely hurt your performance. Try always to eat balanced and nutritious meals. If you decide to lose weight, figure out what works best for you.

Source by Tharin Schwinefus

Christian Weight Loss - A Medical Doctor's Perspective

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I am a medical doctor with special training in nutrition, obesity, and weight loss. Through my training, I uncovered a very important research study that points us directly back to God for advice on how to lose weight. The study was conducted in 1968, by a social psychologist named Dr. Stanley Schachter.

Dr. Schachter found that his obese research subjects tended to eat because of what he called "external" cues (the sight of food, the smell of food, the time on the clock, emotions, intellectual reasons, etc.), whereas his thin subjects tended to eat according to their "internal" cues (their hunger pangs).

That study suggests that a major reason why people gain weight is they stray from their hunger pangs and eat for external, non-physiologic reasons. It also suggests that the key to overcoming a weight problem is to learn how to tune out those external factors and eat according to internal cues: hunger pangs.

Okay, friend. Let's pull the camera back so we have a broader perspective on this subject. Dr. Schachter used a scientific study to prove what we should have already known from common-sense. He proved something that should have been self-evident. Think about it; if God made mankind with hunger pangs, then hunger pangs must be important. When we override them and rely on worldly rules and regulations for weight loss, all we do is mess up a perfect system that the all-knowing Creator of the Universe developed.

But that opens up another question. If people gain weight (at least in part) because they eat for reasons other than hunger, then how can they re-learn to block out those external cues (such as emotions), and eat the way God intended? Ah.....that's the million dollar question.

For those who are Christian, the obvious starting point for wisdom and encouragement is the Bible. In it, God tells us everything we need to know on every subject, including how we're supposed to eat. But here's the deal: to simply say "Read the Bible and pray," rarely translates into weight loss. For most people, that kind of advice is far too general.

As a physician, I know that people need detailed and specific advice when it comes to weight loss. They need a road map that tells them what to do in different circumstances--when they're tempted to eat by their emotions, when they're tempted to overeat at a buffet, etc. I also know from first-hand experience what kind of advice works because I, too, once suffered from morbid obesity. I grew up weighing double what the other kids weighed, mostly because I ate for the wrong reasons--external reasons.

Thankfully, toward the end of high school, I lost 75 pounds and have kept it off for 25 years. Through that weight loss and weight maintenance journey, I learned lots of tricks for overcoming those bad eating habits.

Several years ago, for the benefit of my patients, I compiled all my personal and professional experience into a Biblical, Christ-centered weight loss program. It's called The Eden Diet. For more information about how you can learn to use your God-given hunger pangs to lose weight, feel free to visit my website.

God bless you.

Rita Hancock MD

Source by Rita Hancock M.D.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why Sleep Is So Powerful For Mental Health

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In this fast-paced western society we are constantly connected and available 247, we have information flowing into us on a daily basis and there's an increasing expectation for us to respond instantly. Given all of this, there a growing need for us to be operating or functioning in terms of our mental health not just at 'normal' or 'acceptable' levels, but 'optimal' levels.

Optimal means we are functioning at the highest levels mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, such that we're able to cope well with the demands of life. If we are operating at sub-optimal level, it's much harder for us to perform even the basic of life's functions.

So how do we ensure our health and wellbeing levels are what they should be?

One key contributory factor for long-term mental health and wellness is to ensure we have 7-9 hours of good quality sleep per night.


Sleep repairs the body. This has a positive knock-on effect to how you function cognitively the next and following days. When we sleep, we sleep in cycles of 60-90 minutes. During that time we oscillate between deep (so-called delta) sleep where the body repairs itself and the lighter REM sleep.


REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep, or lighter sleep, moves information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. This helps you to better recall information you absorb on a daily basis. It is during this REM phase of sleep that your eyes move rapidly from side to side (hence the name) and that you dream.


Getting to bed at the right time (ideally 10pm) and getting the right amount of sleep every night keeps your circadian rhythm in check. Your circadian rhythm is your natural body clock that gives you signals when it's time for you to sleep and when it's time for you to wake up. Working shift patterns (especially night shifts) can knock this out of balance which can have major consequences not only for your mental and physical health but also for your gut health.

Lack of good quality sleep means that instead of being fully awake and energised during the day, you may find yourself sleepy, sluggish and unable to focus for any significant length of time. In addition, when you're in bed at night you may feel 'tired and wired' (meaning your body is physically tired, but your mind is wide awake and you're therefore unable to sleep).

Melatonin, the hormone that prepares your body for sleep, and serotonin (your awake hormone) need to be in balance for you to function at your best in the day. This means melatonin kicks in naturally from around 9pm (to help you sleep) until about 7am when serotonin is released to take you through the day. When this melatonin, serotonin cycle is in balance you are fully awake during the day and sleepy at night (when you should be). This in turn means you get a better night's sleep.

Immune Booster

So never underestimate the power of sleep if you value your health and wellbeing. Good quality sleep not only helps us function more effectively, it also boosts our immune system, helping us to stave off viruses and other infections that we would more easily catch with an inferior level and quality of sleep.

Sleep is therefore one of the fundamental pillars of amazing health and wellbeing. Without it we may over time find ourselves not only operating under par but opening ourselves up to chronic exhaustive conditions such as ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia. These conditions can be debilitating and could, if not kept in check, leave us either bed bound or wheelchair bound.

So a key way to look after your mental health over the long term is to ensure that you not only get your 7-9 hours but that you ensure that you go to bed at the right time to increase your chances of getting a much better night's sleep.

Source by Carmen Gilfillan

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks For Effective Weight Loss

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Everyone wants to look good today, especially the young. But more and more people today understand that looking good need not be healthy, and being healthy is more important than just looking good. Of course, the better deal would be to look good and healthy.

Many would assume that you can just lose some weight or pockets of unwanted fats here and there in your body; and that constitutes weight loss to good health. But nothing is farther than the truth. To lose weight and keep healthy is to burn more calories compared to what you take in.

Your optimal weight is measured by your BMI which relates your height and weight measurements to the amount of fat in your body. More and more Americans are overweight today as they consume more saturated fat or processed foods which attract more diseases.

Losing weight is usually easy for many but the challenge is maintaining the weight loss. However, if you adopt a weight loss program on a regular basis, it will be easy.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks for your weight loss program to work effectively.

Have more low nutrition foods, such as fresh fruits and green veggies; these contain less calories and high fiber, which translate to faster weight loss and keeping extra weight at bay. Avoid highly saturated fatty foods like deep fried foods as extra fat is always stored away as excess fats.

Part of the weight loss maintenance program calls for a fewer food selection especially snacks. The fewer choices you have in front of you, the less tempted you are to binge.

Drinking lots of water or low calorie beverages is an excellent way to keep your weight consistent as you get full with water instead of fats.

Listen to your mom who always tells you to chew your food. There is a lot of truth in that advice as it would take you longer to finish your meal, which you would feel fuller than if you were to gobble down quickly.

It is crucial to stabilize the amount of sugar in your blood to maintain your weight loss. This can be achieved by eating the right types of food such as whole grains and dried beans which release their glucose slowly into your blood streams.

Others who love the hot pepper have the advantage of another way to maintain their weight loss by taking on a bit of hot pepper with mustard on their meals. This easily increases the body metabolism by 25%.

Changing certain foods will go a long way as in using low fat and sour cream instead of the full cream. Changing the way you cook your foods or how they are prepared gives you greater control on maintaining your weight loss.

There are so many ways you can work on to lose weight and to maintain it.

Source by Sanjay Soni

White Willow Bark - The Critical Weight Loss (Diet) Assistant


Hippocrates was possibly the first person to record the benefits of white willow bark. He did so in the Fifth century BC. In 1828 a French pharmacist, Henri Leroux and an Italian chemist, Raffaele Piria, we able to isolate a compound in the grayish brown bark from the white willow tree (Salix alba) known as salicin. Since then, salicylic acid, an active derivative of salicin has been further separated out and has found a home as one of the primary ingredients in aspirin.

In an effort to get bigger, better, faster, the body building industry popularized the concept of "stacking" or combining certain ingredients to take advantage of their synergistic effect. Synergy occurs whenever ingredients are combined and the specific combination of those ingredients provides a greater benefit than the individual benefits that could be realized if each of those ingredients were taken independent of each other.

For decades, the ECA stack reigned supreme for its popularity in the body building industry. This was a "stack" that combined Ephedra, Caffeine and Aspirin. Although the ratio of this combination varied, 25 milligrams of ephedra was commonly combined with 200 milligrams of Caffeine and 325 milligrams of Aspirin. Unfortunately, this combination became extremely hard to put together when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of all dietary supplements containing ephedra on February 6th, 2004. Despite numerous studies demonstrating the safety of ephedra in controlled doses, the FDA would not budge on their finding that ephedra posed an "unreasonable risk of illness or injury." On August 17th, 2006, after being challenged in a federal appeals court, the FDA upheld the ephedra ban with a 133,000 page report citing 19,000 individual adverse reactions. In the wake of this dilemma, ephedra alternatives were quickly located to combine with caffeine and aspirin.

Conceptually, the ECA stack effectively assists with weight loss and energy gain. Certain stimulants, such as ephedra are known to be "beta agonists", meaning they function as keys on a certain gene in the body (by targeting the "beta-2 adrenergic receptor" or "ADRB2") to unlock a genetic response. Three responses that are believed to be unlocked are increased levels of norepinephrine, increased levels of epinephrine and increased levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are quite similar. Both are common neurotransmitters in the brain that also function as hormones in the body. As norepinephrine levels and cAMP levels increase, heart rate increases and the release of glucose is triggered from stored energy in the body. When taken in a stack with caffeine and aspirin, this chain of events increases blood flow to muscle tissue and increases body temperature, creating a thermogenic effect on the body. It is also believed that during this process, the body begins burning white adipose fat tissue, appetite becomes suppressed, and fatigue is reduced as energy levels increase.

When a stack of stimulants and aspirin (or white willow bark) enter the body, a little light goes off (not literally) telling the body that it was just stimulated as the metabolism begins increasing. In response, the body begins producing phosphodiesterase inside your cells and prostaglandins outside your body's cells. Both of these reactions lower cAMP levels, slowing the metabolism boost from the ECA stack.

Caffeine prevents cAMP levels from decreasing by blocking the production of phosphodiesterase inside cells, while further increasing the body's production of epinephrine, which again helps raise cAMP levels. Aspirin (or white willow bark) prevents cAMP levels from decreasing by blocking the production of prostaglandins outside the body's cells. Through these specific actions of caffeine and aspirin (or white willow bark), thermogenesis is sustained for longer periods of time while the metabolism is held at a higher rate, allowing the body to burn more calories longer.

Taking this combination of ingredients prior to exercise should also help with a better work out, as the body will not get fatigued as quickly and muscles will recover and feel fresh faster. All that being said, please remember that your body is not designed to burn stored fat as fuel, if you are eating more calories each day than your body is burning as fuel. Taking a dietary supplement may help your body burn more calories, but do not expect dramatic, long-term changes in your body shape without also making lifestyle changes to your eating and exercise habits.

Source by Tawne Bachus

Detoxification, Waste Elimination and Weight Loss - Are They Connected?

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Proper elimination of toxic waste from the body, is one of the key element in achieve successful, and permanent weight loss. Yet so many people begin a diet or weight loss program and neglect this one, very important aspect of weight loss and weight management.

Detoxification, and the elimination of waste from the body is not exactly the most pleasant topic are process to deal with, but it is critical for losing weight and maintaining overall health. If you are starting a weight loss program, and you want to make detox a part of that program that you must remember that the buildup of toxic waste in your body may have taken 10, 20, 30, or even 50 years to accumulate. So don't expect overnight results from detoxification program.

The elimination of toxic waste from the body can be uncomfortable, but better to have some minor discomfort now than to have major illness later on in life. The total elimination of all toxicity from the body can take weeks to months and in some cases even years. But within days you will be losing weight and feeling enormously more energetic and vibrant.

The majority of people who begin a detoxification program never see it through to the end. They may get some uncomfortable feeling, and some discomfort, and give up the program before it has a chance to work.

For a simple, natural and straightforward detoxification program that you can start today is as follows. You can start the program by increasing the amount of water you drink each day, at least 12 to 14 glasses of water each day.

Each high water content food in its natural state as close to nature as possible that is lots of fruits and vegetables. Each of a lot of fruits and a natural fresh fruit juices every morning between 7 AM and 12 PM, with no other food. This will give the body time to cleanse while absorbing vital nutrients, and freeing up energy to go through the detoxification process.

Get rid of all the flesh foods in your diet, along with all dairy products, and any animal byproducts during your detoxification process. Meat and dairy products create the most toxins in the body and therefore should be eliminated from your diet.

No refined foods should be eaten at this time that is refined sugar, refined flour, and other processed foods. Definitely no caffeine, or caffeinated beverages should be consumed during your detoxification.

Try to eat 85% of your food raw unnatural, stay away from processed foods that is foods in a can, box or bag. In order to assist your digestive tract in eliminating the waste do not combine foods high in protein, with foods high in carbohydrates or sugar.

If your ball or movements have not increased to at least three at the, then you might need to take a colon cleanse.

There are lots of Colin cleanse is on the market but care should be taken, to make sure that any colon cleanse you are going to use is 100% natural, with no additives, preservatives or coloring.

Most people that are heavy meat eaters will be surprised at the amount of weight they will loose during the detoxification process and a proper colon cleanse. This is because the colon can hold up to 150 pounds off imbedded fecal matter that has been accumulating for a number of years.

So the goal here is to give your digestive system a clean slate in order to process, digest, absorb and eliminate food from the digestive system. This will give you a head start in your weight loss program.

Source by Jonathon D Koch

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to eat when taking the bowel

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Lots of vegetables and fish for I FORM's intestinal cure

INTESTINAL BROOM While on the intestinal regimen, run on fish and vegetables - and cut down on meat and sugar. Does that sound difficult? Maybe, but it works. © wichmann + bendtsen

How to eat when taking the bowel. round with lemon juice herbs

Complete diet plan for those who want to be healthy, slim and have bowels in top shape. Use as inspiration if you really want to eat more gut-friendly - or follow the gut regimen's diet if you want to be sure you're losing weight.

If you are overweight you will lose a pound a week if you follow the diet plan exactly. 

Begin by following the intestinal regimen for 14 days to get a head start on weight loss. If you continue with many of the new good habits even afterwards - such as eating lots of vegetables and cutting back on sugar and starch - the weight loss will continue slowly but surely. 

The intestinal regimen's diet plan focuses both on quantity, so that you do not get too many calories, and that what is on the plate gives the body plenty of healthy building blocks and the intestines something to work with. 

As an adjunct to the intestinal regimen, we recommend that you move at least half an hour each day, such as cycling, walking or running. 

COST PLAN: How to eat on the intestinal tract

  • Breakfast
  • noon Snack
  • Lunch
  • afternoon Snack
  • Dinner
  • evening Snack

 Breakfast- choose one of these 4 suggestions

Yogurt with nuts and berries2 parts sour milk product natural, max 1.5% fat - eg. skyr, yogurt, Cultura, A38 or KefirA handful of almonds or nuts (about 30 grams)A handful of berries (fresh or frozen) or half a piece of fruit

Omelette with fillingOmelet of 2 eggs and vegetables (eg, casserole, tomato and onion)A large handful of leafy greens - e.g. spinach or arugula - and ...50 grams of salmon, chicken, cottage cheese, tuna or shrimpGarnish with herbs

Porridge with nuts and carrotPorridge made on 1 dl gluten-free grains - eg oats, millet or buckwheatA grated carrotPlus a handful of almonds, hazelnuts or walnutsPossibly a small pinch of vanilla powder or cinnamon

Vegetable smoothie50 grams of optional green vegetables (eg broccoli, spinach and parsley) blended with:Half an avocadoA piece of fruit10 g nuts (5-10 pieces)

Remember to drink a large glass of water. Supplement if necessary with coffee or tea. Avoid putting sugar in. You may want to have some milk - but a maximum of 1 dl a day.


Kefir has made a comeback. But what is kefir really good for? Here you get the answer.

 noon Snack
Hold out!If you get very hungry during the morning, you can crunch something green - like a carrot or a few cauliflower bouquets. But try to keep up with water until lunch.


 Lunch- select something from each group

protein SourcesChoose one thing from hereA chicken fillet120 grams of turkey½ box of cod roe1 box of tuna1 ½ dl cottage cheese140 grams of shrimp1 ½ eggs1 box of mackerelA salmon fillet100 grams of legumes - e.g. chickpeas or kidney beans

Lots of vegetablesMix freely at least 200 grams of vegetables or salad. It can be carrot, cucumber, paprika, lettuce, cabbage or the like. (Potatoes and corn do not count here).

Some healthy fatYou can choose fromAn avocado2 tablespoons oil or pesto½ cup cream1 handful of seeds, nuts or kernels4 tablespoons hummus50 g of feta cheese (about 15-18 cubes)

Lots of flavorBe round with lemon juice, herbs and spices.

Remember to drink well with water throughout the day. Otherwise, you can easily confuse thirst and hunger.


Inspiration: Good lunch recipes for the gut

These Health Float recipes are perfect for lunch when you are on the bowel. Supplement with even more green.  

  • Roots with chicken & lemon
  • Goma salad with edamame beans and tiger prawns
  • Salad with tuna and poached eggs
  • Spinach wrap with salmon and fruit
  • Avocado with shrimp

 afternoon Snack- Choose from one of these suggestions

Choose one thing like afternoon snack1 banana (possibly frozen and blended) with a spoonful of almonds or nuts2 dl sour milk product natural fresh berries and a spoonful of nuts or almonds2 small cubes of dark chocolate and a spoonful of almonds or nuts1 slice of rough gluten-free crispbread with a slice of cheese and a little green½ avocado with shrimp1 egg and some greenVegetable bars dipped in hummus or guacamole


 Dinner- select something from each group

protein SourcesChoose one of these things:200 g of chicken fillet200 g turkey meat200 g of cod200 g plaice (not breaded)200 g said200 g of shrimp200 g of tuna200 g of mussels125 g chicken with leather125 g minced poultry125 g of fish balls125 g herring125 g of salmon125 g eggs (about 2 medium eggs)125 g legumes125 g lentils

Lots of vegetablesMix freely at least 200 grams of vegetables or salad. For example, it could be:

(Box) tomatoBroccoliOnionSaladCucumbersoil ChefsCarrotparsnipPaprikaRadishEat CheersRed cabbageKalepeasSpinachGreen beanssquashPumpkin
NOTE : Potatoes and corn do not count here.

Some healthy fatYou can use 1 tablespoon of fat for frying or dressing. you can also choose from:

¼ avocado1 tablespoon pesto½ dl of sour milk product1 tablespoon. feta10 g of grated parmesan1 tablespoon hummus1 tablespoon seeds, nuts or kernels¼ dl of coconut milk

A little accessoryYou need to get some starch in the form of one of these things:

2 potatoes75 g rice (cooked weight)75 g of quinoa (cooked weight)1 piece. corn pancake
TIP: The starch section is voluntary . You can drop it and eat (even) more vegetables. For example, make cauliflower rice, squash paste, baked root vegetables or use finely sliced ​​cabbage as a base for a cooked dish.

Lots of flavorFeel free to go round with lemon juice, herbs and spices.

Remember to drink well with water throughout the day. Otherwise, you can easily confuse thirst and hunger.


Inspiration: Good  dinner recipes for the gut

 evening Snack- Choose from one of these suggestions

Choose one thing like evening snack3 cubes of dark chocolate (about 15 g)10 almonds or nuts2 dl fresh berries

Avoid coffee after dinner. And drink well with water all day.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Diet Plan: Lose Weight a pound a week - and get your bowels in top shape


Happy woman attends I FORM's intestinal cure

Do you dream of lose weight a few pounds? Or are you bloated and running out of energy? Then we have the cure that is guaranteed to make you leaner and healthier - in just two weeks. Follow our intestinal cure

Follow I FORM's intestinal cure for 14 days and get:

  • Guaranteed weight loss 

  • Better digestion

  • More energy

  • Less headaches

  • Better night's sleep

  • Stronger immune system

If you want to both get healthier and get rid of a few inches around your stomach, then a gut-friendly diet is the way to go. The well-being of the gut bacteria is incredibly important for the whole body's hazel - including its weight. 

Check out all the healthy gains you get by eating gut-friendly. 

Therefore, you lose weight by the intestinal cure

In the intestinal tract we increase the intake of the foods that are useful for the healthy gut bacteria. when the good bacteria get their appetites, they acknowledge increasing the secretion of the hormones that keep your blood sugar stable and regulate appetite. This makes it easier for you to eat less, 

The gut-friendly diet is full of vegetables that are well-saturated and contain few calories, so you can eat well - and still lose weight. 

In the diet plan we have planned all the meals so that the food both is healthy and put together so that you do not get too many calories. 

Here is the intestinal regimen's diet plan 

Follow the intestinal regimen for 14 days

We recommend that you follow the diet plan slavishly for 14 days if you want to lose weight. If you do, and are overweight, we guarantee that you lose at least a kilo a week - and at the same time you will probably notice that you get more excess and less air in your stomach. 

Use the intestinal cure as inspiration

If you are unable to follow a prepared diet plan, you can instead check our  HOT and NOT list of foods that you can eat more of and foods you can benefit from restricting your intake. 

For a quick and noticeable effect, you can even put together a hardcore version, where for a period you only eat foods from the first list, but of course you can also just be inspired and pick the items from the list that best fit into everyday life your.

If you do not follow the diet plan, we cannot guarantee a weight loss, but you will certainly get better health - and probably you will lose weight as well. 


Six principles: How to eat when taking the intestinal cure

Before you jump directly to the intestinal regimen's diet plan, here's an insight into how we put together the diet plan - and why. 

1. Spoil the good gut bacteria

Vegetables are one of the things you should eat a lot of in the intestinal tract. The green goodies are low in calories, so you can eat lots of them without putting on weight. At the same time, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. The fibers are really good for the gut bacteria, because they act as a kind of food package for the bacteria. 

When the bacteria get vegetables, they produce substances that help keep your blood sugar stable, keep your hunger feeling low, balance your immune system, and release substances that affect your mood.  

2. Hunger to death the bad gut bacteria

In the intestinal tract, it is not just about promoting the good gut bacteria, but also about avoiding feeding specific bacteria that produce lots of air in the gut and causing inflammation of the body and brain. 

Research indicates that the type and composition of dietary fiber is important for the composition of bacteria in the gut. Fibers from wheat and rye, among others, appear to nourish bacteria that produce a lot of gas, and this can cause some stomach pains and make them bloated. Therefore, it may be advantageous for some of us to cut down on the amount of bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, pizza, muesli and crispbread, and instead increase the intake of fiber from vegetables. Try for a few weeks to see how it affects your stomach. 

3. Prioritize gut-friendly and healthy protein sources

You've probably heard that you should eat lots of protein if you want to lose weight. Protein is a little more difficult for the body to digest, so you simply burn more when you eat chicken than you do when you eat pasta. 

Protein also helps preserve muscle mass, so it's primarily the fat you lose when you lose weight. 

Protein is found in meat, among other things. The only problem is that a high intake of red meat promotes certain bacteria that can transform substances in the meat into something called TMAO, which is associated, among other things, with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. So instead of meat from four-legged animals, you should instead eat foods from other protein sources over the next few weeks, such as from poultry, dairy products, eggs, legumes and fish. 


4. Small healthy barter

So you get lots of green, healthy fats and proteins, but less starch and red meat if you follow our diet plan. We've also juggled a little with the flavor sets, so they give you lots of vitamins and don't ruin the weight loss. 

Instead of ready-made dressings and sauces, you should rather go with natural flavors like chili, ginger and spices. Then you save yourself lots of sugar and salt and various other additives that are suspected of being able to change our bacterial composition in an unfortunate direction. 

Instead of cake, space is made for you to enjoy some nuts, dark chocolate and lots of fresh berries. This allows you to satisfy the sweet monster in you while replenishing with antioxidants, minerals and fiber. 

5. Quench the thirst with water

Fountains are healing and good, and both coffee and tea work well as a suplement. But there is no place in the diet plan for caloric bombs like soda, juice and alcohol. Liquid calories saturate really badly and can therefore ruin the weight loss. 

Also, try to avoid light products so you get rid of everything to taste sweet. Feel what it does to your body only to drink water for a few weeks. 

6. Eat less

Too many calories create intestinal imbalances wherever they come from. Almonds, dark chocolate, cheese, avocado and oily fish are among the foods you can eat while on the gut. But since they contain many calories, you risk losing weight if you eat too much of it. 

We have therefore put together your diet plan so that you do not go and eat all the time. If you want a visible and quick result on weight, it is important that you stick to the plan. 

It's always a little tough to be on the cure. If you are about to walk the wall along the way, then you can get tips on how to deal with the challenges in this matter.