Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Health Benefits Of Turmeric: What is Turmeric? 12 Health Benefits

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health benefits Of turmeric: What is turmeric? 12 Health benefits
health benefits Of turmeric: What is turmeric? 12 Health benefits

Many may wonder what turmeric is. Turmeric is a spice from South India and Indonesia containing the substance curcumin which is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug. This spice has for many years been used for many applications, such as dyeing of fabrics (it has a very distinctive yellow color), flavoring and medicine. This the curry is very common to use in Indian cuisine, and is bound to be something most people have tasted. The people do not know however, is how healthy turmeric really is. The concentration of antioxidants in this material is comparable with vitamin C and E.

Antioxidants are known to protect the body against free radicals produced naturally by the body through the process called oxidation. Free radicals can be very harmful to the cells, which in turn can lead to what is called oxidative stress. This can further lead to serious chronic inflammation in the body and serious illnesses. By supplying your body supplements Turmeric K2 body will be better protected against such kinds of inflammation, precisely because of the high concentration of antioxidants found in this drug. Unlike many painkillers that only blocking some of the enzymes on inflammation, will turmeric work on all the enzymes that cause unpleasantness. This is well documented by several researchers.

12 health benefits Turmeric

1. Improved immune system

The immune system plays an important role in helping our body fight bacteria, viruses, and infections. Also, we will be more quickly from illness the better the immune system we have. Thanks lipopolysaccharides, an adjuvant in turmeric, this herb help to enhance the immune system. Turmeric is considered to be an immunity enhancer. People using turmeric in their diet are less vulnerable to flu, coughs and colds than those who do not use it. If you have a cold, the flu or cough, you can recover faster by adding a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it before bedtime every day.

2. Lose weight

Obesity is not only a medical problem but also a social health problem that affects people worldwide. When a person is diagnosed with obesity, it means that he or she has too much fat in the body. Many mistakenly believe that obesity is overweight. In fact there is a difference between the two. An obese person weighs too much. He or she may have extra muscle or fluid retention in the body. But both overweight and obesity will cause a variety of medical problems such as gallstones, osteoarthritis, heart disease, liver problems , high triglycerides, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and sleep apnea, and so on. Obesity or overweight is a result of excessive food intake, excessive alcohol intake, hypothyroidism, Menopause and lack of exercise. To keep obesity and overweight away, it is therefore important to have a healthy dietand an active lifestyle. If you are experiencing overweight, you should change your diet and make a plan to lose weight. Moreover, some scientific studies have found a strong correlation between the consumption of turmeric and weight loss. Many who have taken turmeric in a few weeks may see a significant weight loss. The effect is real. Researchers have found a possible explanation for why turmeric is an effective aid for those who want to lose weight. Fat burning is an important mechanism for weight loss. The liver also plays an important role in fat burning. If the liver is damaged it will affect the detoxification process and make fat burning slower. Turmeric is great to detoxify the liver and keep the cells in your body from contaminating the environment substances and free radicals. High cholesterol also causes weight gain. Because it has lipid-lowering effects may turmeric extract controlling the body's cholesterol levels. As soon as the high cholesterol levels begin to decline, you willbegin to lose weight . Once the central nervous system have burned fat will thermogenesis process start to maintain an appropriate body temperature. The better the thermogenesis process works, the more fat you will burn. Curcumin, the active substance in turmeric, increases thermogenesis levels.

Before you consume turmeric in the form of grants, extracts, or capsules for weight loss , you should consult with your doctor to avoid unwanted side effects. You should not take turmeric before and after surgery. It is recommended to consume organic turmeric rather than grants.

3. Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots are signs of aging. People with dry skin will make wrinkles, fine lines and age spots on their skin earlier than others with oily or combination skin. It is difficult to remove existing wrinkles as well as other signs of aging skin. Meanwhile, many natural agents help to prevent early wrinkles and cellulite . A tip for keeping wrinkles and cellulite away, is to use a face mask with turmeric two or three times a week.

4. Prevent Heart Disease

The antioxidant properties of turmeric is known for providing cardiac protection, in particular in cases of diabetes. Curcumin in turmeric also helps to reduce the overall level of cholesterol, and therefore have an impact on cardiovascular health ( source ).

Research shows that turmeric was used to treat chest pain in ancient Indian and Chinese medicine. In other cases of obesity have herb reduced cholesterol concentration - and importantly, turmeric has increased the level of good cholesterol. Curcumin has also been shown to prevent a variety of cardiovascular diseases, of which the most prominent are infarction (prevention of blood supply to the heart) ( source ).

5. Prevents cancer

Many studies and research have shown an association between intake of turmeric in your daily diet and prevention of cancer. In particular, it is to regularly take turmeric reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Due to its active substances prevent this herb growth of radiation-induced tumors, and may even destroy the cancer cells. Furthermore helps turmeric our body to fight tumor cells as colon carcinoma, T-cell leukemia, and breast carcinomas.

Furthermore, by incorporating turmeric in diet have a protective effect against some cancers. This is because it may alter tumor cell DNA instructions, and kill those cells. As other cells are cancer cells DNA. DNA will control the development and growth of cells. By changing the DNA instruction their we can stop the growth and development of cancer cells. Dog does what I am not saying that you can replace medical treatment of cancer with a gurkemeieholdig diet. Turmeric helps just to prevent, increase the healing process and prevent the growth of cancer cells, if you suffer from prostate cancer or certain other types of deadly cancer, it is important that you combine different methods and solutions for cancer treatment, such as medical treatment, medication, diet, and remedy.

6. relieve stomach trouble

Tummy Trouble often makes patients uncomfortable and causes discomfort . They want an effective treatment that can cure stomach trouble. One of the health benefits of turmeric is the relief of stomach trouble. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties; therefore it has a great ability to control stomach acid and relieve stomach trouble. Those suffering from gastric trouble can find substantial relief by reverting turmeric. Patients can drink gurkemeiemelk or take turmeric supplements. If you like yogurt, it's a great idea to combine turmeric and yogurt to reduce the symptoms of stomach trouble. You only need to add 10 mg of turmeric in a cup of plain yogurt and consume it daily until the symptoms of stomach problems are completely gone.

However, it is important for me to note that too much turmeric can cause upset stomach. To treat upset stomach, you should take the correct amount of turmeric, and not exaggerate. Be sure to investigate the tolerance level, so that you find the right dosage for you.

7. Health Benefits of Turmeric is good for the eyes

In several promising studies with rats, researchers have found that turmeric may help to prevent or combat cataracts. Curcumin does this by suppressing the free radicals found in the eye, and who are responsible for the formation of cataracts in animals and humans ( source ). Scientists hope that the same results can be replicated in human studies undergoing treatment for cataracts.

8. Health Benefits of Turmeric reduces joint pain

A clinical trial found that curcumin can help to deal with osteoarthritis ( source ). The researchers found that mobility in patients with osteoarthritis increased after a curcumin supplementation was added to their diet. Patients could go longer on the treadmill and inflammation of the joints that creates joint pain was the experimental period reduced.  

9. curcumin is an effective antidepressant

Millions of people, including teenagers, are suffering from various types of depression. Many of these uses prescription medication to fight depression. These drugs have serious side effects. Fortunately, you curcumin, which is found in nature, treat depression and stress without the same side effects that come from pharmaceutical drugs. Curcumin has for centuries been used in traditional Chinese medicine to deal with stress and reduce depression and related diseases in patients ( source ).

10. curcumin protects the health of your liver

Due to its antioxidant properties, curcumin protect the liver from your chronic alcohol-related injuries and atherosclerosis. Excessive alcohol levels in the blood is held responsible for an increased risk of developing fatty liver, cirrhosis, and liver damage ( source ). Curcumin helps to increase the levels of glutathione, which protects the liver from the damaging effects of ethanol.

11. Health benefits of Turmeric can prolong your life

As you already know, oxidative stress and inflammation key factors in the development of many age-related diseases.

Because curcumin can fight both, may combat age-related diseases ( source ).

Many of these age-related diseases (such as cancer or Alzheimer's) are fatal.

If turmeric can prevent or treat them, it can be life-prolonging many years.

Scientists also believe that the effect curcumin has on aging can be more general in nature.

Aging is believed to be largely the result of "an accumulation of molecular damage mainly due to reactive oxygen species (ROA) produced by mitochondria as well as random errors in DNA replication." It is believed that curcumin can combat this damage ( source ).

If that's the case, it could mean that curcumin can both extend the life of your while increasing the quality of life of its life.

12. Health benefits of Turmeric Improved Dental

It's easy to overlook the benefits to dental health while investigating other medical benefits, because dentistry often treated separately from other medical fields.

But to maintain healthy teeth and gums are essential to maintaining overall health and wellness.

Curcumin is antimicrobial and astringent, which is useful in relation to dental health ( source ).

Further, turmeric extract, if added to cracks and pits of the teeth preventing or reducing curry. Turmeric extract can also be used to create a coloring agent against plaque .

This color means making it easier to detect plaque.


Why can not I just eat foods that contain turmeric?

Field with turmeric plants

Field with turmeric plants

You may wonder why it is at all necessary with turmeric-curcumin supplements.

Turmeric is the a common spice, can not you rather eat foods containing spices, rather than going out and buying a grant?

You can drag any use of turmeric-spiced food, but it's not going to be particularly pronounced.

The reason is that curcumin is only one component of turmeric and its natural concentration is not very high: only 3% ( source ).

We do not use large amounts of spices in cooking. If we did, it would palates our having been overwhelmed.

That means you get a pretty small dose of curcumin when eating Indian food or other turmeric-spiced dishes.

In addition, it is not just a simple matter for our bodies to take up turmeric.

This means that much of it simply can go right through your system.

If you take turmeric-curcumin as a supplement you will get highly concentrated curcumin extract in a more consumption-friendly form.

By using curcumin as a supplement you can get a gram or more per day - the same levels as in the following scientific research projects provide positive effects.

This means that you can take advantage of the more significant advantages.

Note that it is smart to take curcumin-grant search with a fatty meal. Why? Because curcumin is fat soluble, and will therefore help the body absorb more.

Turmeric supplements for better health

coffee added turmeric seasoning

Dietary Supplement Turmeric K2 consists not only of Turmeric , but also contains the healing vitamin K2. This vitamin is produced by the bacteria and one finds it in including certain dairy products, some types of fermented foods and fermented foods, ie foods that have gone through the process called lactic fermentation. Vitamin K2 is best known to strengthen bone tissue and bone formation. This applies particularly to inflammation of bone tissue, and can therefore be an important tool towards the formation of osteoporosis. There is broad consensus in the research community worldwide. It is important to take care of the body's bones and this can easily be done through food supplements Turmeric K2. This dietary supplement is therefore particularly good for older people who are more prone to osteoporosis and inflammation of bone tissue.

Turmeric K2 is therefore a dietary supplement that can really help you to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. The body's internal system is strengthened in several different ways, as explained above, so you can live the life you want to live in terms of activity level. Do not let age put limits on what you want to do in your everyday life. Turmeric K2 strengthens bone tissue and prevent inflammation which is formed here, while suppressing the potential bone loss. By supplying your body this supplement your body will thank you for taking care of it and you will feel much better. 

The composition of curcumin and vitamin K2 provides the body with many health benefits you'd rather not miss. Many of these benefits are well documented and recognized as important building blocks in order to live a healthy and active life, especially among older people. When you get older your body will naturally experience wear which leads to that it becomes more difficult to perform certain tasks, prior rendered with simplicity. Using vitamin K2 will not these chores longer be a problem, and one can continue to live the active lifestyle you before did.

All my life it is important to also take care of your body through physical activity because this strengthens the body and makes everyday chores much easier. When one gets older, this becomes even more important than ever. It does not have to be hard workouts in gyms, but there may be activities such as dancing, walking or cycling. Using training and Turmeric K2 will make your body prepared for old age and the challenges that come with it. Having a healthy lifestyle is essential to be able to live a good and Health Float lives in his old age, while it may cause you live longer and keep diseases away.

As explained, it is thus many health benefits by consuming the dietary supplement Turmeric K2. It makes the body more resistant to potential chronic diseases with the help of curcumin that is found naturally in turmeric, alongside the strengthening of bone tissue by means of vitamin K2. If you want to strengthen your body and continue with an active lifestyle is therefore this supplement an important tool on the road.


Now you can understand what all the fuss around turmeric is about.

This is really a fantastic supplements, with a growing body of research supporting its powerful features.

If you take it regularly, it will not only curb inflammation that flares up in your body, it may also have a protective effect for your future health, as it prevents heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases.

By eating turmeric can possibly increase the life of your while improving your quality of life.

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