Friday, November 8, 2019

Is smart drug really that good? Tried it, and too good

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Cheap new designer drugs are awesome, expensive old drugs are boring, and drugs and health are in vogue, and in our fast-paced world, who would have time to enter the blind world for fun? Perhaps that is why the so-called smart drugs became so fashionable.

The smart dog doesn't make pertinent comments or solve puzzles for you, but it can't even fool cops. The cleverness of smart drugs is to be understood as being drugs which, in principle, make users smarter, but at least much more concentrated, while not poisoning or addicting their bodies.
In other words, we have come to the point where the hottest group of drugs at the moment serves disappointingly practical purposes. Instead of crazy sex, visions, or smiling dance frenzy, they promise you to be like a Japanese-Swiss-German mule: if you take them, you will become more capable of work, more diligent, focused, you will not be sleepy, but most of all you would have it in your head, not your intestine. That's why they are also called the student or work drugs.

Without further ado, I can say that there are few better people on earth for smart drug testing. I have been sleeping 5-6 hours a day for years, and when I am awake and working, I have to produce a variety of more or less creative texts, typically with very short deadlines, sometimes quite unrealistic. This lifestyle has brought me over the years basically a bunch of legal, gray, and illegal methods to wake my attention so that now I have come to the conclusion that there is no better work drug than 8 hours of sleep a day and the only thing that really works.

ENERGY is easy to access and very delicate, in exchange for up to a few heartbeats. I never became smarter, faster or more focused, and after consuming, I generally felt just as tired as before, and at most I couldn't sleep.
FROM COFFEE, which I started drinking only a year ago, I get a heart attack like a heartbeat for 3/4 hours, which finally gives the illusion of activity. The effect of your real three out of four is that during my seizure, my hands are shaking and I have to pee like never in my life. Of the four, I don't have to urinate once but almost shit myself.
From butter to SUPERCAVA, the same heart attack is plagued with 3-4 hours instead of 3/4, which is so long that it is even worth writing. Typing is more agile, people seem to speed up, but the writing process itself does not really get up to speed.
The SPIDER at first glance seems dizzyingly good for you to realize quickly how much you have sucked it. You are really going to write as fast as you have ever in your life, just high-profile bullshit that you will additionally be ashamed of if you sober up. But the worst thing about the hell is that it makes your attention extremely scattered, instead of focusing your attention, and your next day, when you become like a zombie, also disappears. Not to mention brain cells that have died in the meantime.
Although stimulants marketed under the name HERBAL EXTASY and similar names are spinning, they do so with almost visceral symptoms due to the presence of ephedrine. Ephedrine, in addition, made my heartache, which you may just believe, but it is just as uncomfortable as it is for a reason.
In a sense, the US drug ADDERALL, a special amphetamine-containing drug used to sedate normally hyperactive young children, has proved to be the most effective illegal work drug so far, and this is no accident in US journalists. (This was the tablet taken by a mother in the First Series of Born Wives to sew costumes to her child's school play in the morning.) That really makes people more focused and speed doesn't have to be to the detriment of quality, the effect, in addition, it will appear evenly for 10-11 hours. But the more sensitive ones can even feel as if they are ripped off, and the next day it's a bit like we're after some exhausting party.
The new drug can finally come!
After such a history, I grabbed Modafinil from the net, perhaps the most popular of new or smart drugs. The drug itself is not a novelty and has been on the market for over a year as a prescription drug in the US, originally prescribed for narcolepsy and other pathologically sleepy people. Although the substance tested and approved - that is, out there - the mechanism of action is unknown, it is only suspected that it acts on nerve endings in the brain. However, it has recently become so popular that it is one of the daily foods of the world's scientists, alongside exams, busy office slaves and unwilling soldiers. The latter is also because it has been re-examined by a number of major university laboratories after being transformed from a semi-well-known drug into a global fashion and found harmless in the short term.

I didn't have to prepare much for the test, because I got the tablets to try out on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, I was planning to write at home all day because I'm working on a futures book project.

I took one 200 milligram tablet at about eleven in the morning.

He came! But how?
In the beginning, I was most curious that if what his fans were saying about the drug - that without drug-like effects it would help people to concentrate much better - would I ever feel that it had begun to work. After all, that "better concentration" seems quite elusive. After a few minutes, there was no question that the tablet was working enthusiastically. How do I know? In fact, I have no idea, because I have had little or no symptoms of entering drugs. My head did not ring, nor did it clap, nor did my hands begin to tremble gently, my blood pressure did not rise, my eyes did not dazzle, my heart did not clap and I did not warm up. That's when I realized there was something that I suddenly had the urge to write as it should every day. Not only did I feel like it, but I cut it off without delay, leaving out the initial pumping.

Physically, in the first hour after taking, I felt more spirited, then my momentum continued steadily for roughly 8 hours. However, physically, even during this first hour, I experienced much milder symptoms than I usually feel after drinking a cup of coffee. (It includes my body being more responsive to coffee than average.) However, modafinil's labor effects are not reflected in its acceleration. The point was that not only did I come to work, but I did what I planned to do. Under the influence of modafinil, I did not do - practically I did not write - anything I would not have written otherwise. I was just actually typing in what I had invented, contrary to my usual practice.

We were able to focus
Just as far as it has been remotely similar to this, Adderall alone has had me. But, like any other amphetamine derivative, it not only narrowed my focus but sometimes made it completely scattered while someone in my ear drummed almost nonstop. True, when I clicked, I was able to write something with the full swing for three to four hours with Adderall, but I was also in the deck to start searching for something completely irrelevant on the net and mixing more and more with my original theme. I'm not saying that in the first hour and a half after taking modafinil, I didn't write a bunch of letters to editorial lists, but I was always able to get back to writing the book to do just one thing at a time in the next 6-7 hours, but intensely.

It feels good to write a lot, but obviously only if you are producing useless text under the influence of something clicky. In retrospect, I have already written tighter texts than those produced on the test day, but thanks to God, it didn't make me morbidly chatty. The text I wrote with one tweak proved to be an absolutely acceptable quality with some post-editing and filing. The volume was quite impressive at the end: at the end of the day, I had roughly 20 flicks more than the morning.

It is a common drawback of these types of drugs that they do not let them fall asleep not only during but well after they have been consumed. As I expected, this proved to be the weak point of modafinil, but the situation was less distressing than I expected. It seemed to me that I slept much more superficially than usual, making it easier for me to wake up to the stimuli of the outside world and then find it harder to fall back asleep. But basically, at least I could sleep. This can be a trap if you take it regularly: because you get worse from it, you will be tired and it will be easier to reach it the next day. But I only assume this because I didn't do serial testing. Anyway, the next day, I was craving for another pill as if I was addicted, but I didn't break anywhere to get stuff.

Both drug dealers and doctors have long argued that modafinil is not an addictive drug. You can also read about research that raises dopamine levels in the brain so consumers can still get used to it. But the purpose of my test was not to study the long-term effects of the drug.

after Shooting
After the first, I was able to get two more tablets for testing. Once, under average conditions, and once after much less than average sleep, I tried it on a hard day at work.

The second time was roughly the same as the first, with an intensity of, say, 70-80%. Thirdly, it turned out that the tablet is not a panacea, but it works well for me because it was able to pull me out of my day-long, sleep-deprived, fly-like state so much that it was not a pain gel in my head but a very slow brain. If I had been more successful, it would have scared me.

Not all papa cheese
Of course, this type of material does not affect all consumers in the same way. A BBC reporter who also tested the drug, for example, felt more alert, but instead of focusing, he became more scattered, had a severe headache, and was unable to fall asleep until dawn. I may have been lucky, but considering the popularity of student drugs, it seems likely that I may not be an atypical consumer.

Modafinil is a resident of the gray zone in Hungary. The drug is not registered as medicine with us, but its active ingredient is not on any blacklist. They buy with online orders, which is, of course, a huge lure, because how do we really know what is in the pastilles we sell.

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