Tuesday, November 12, 2019

50 ways to lose weight a pound

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Women take high five at the fitness center
50 ways to lose weight a pound

Want to get rid of a few pounds without following a rigid diet? Tiny little changes in your daily habits can produce noticeable results in weight. Choose from more than 50 good tips to help you lose weight about 1 pound.

1. Eat more protein

Not only do they saturate well - they also accelerate combustion. If you go from 65-70 grams to about 125 grams of protein daily, the burn increases by about 60 calories per day.

2. Do 10 squats every hour throughout the day

After one month you have burned 2,500 calories and got a butt of steel. 

3. Become a winter bather

The cold dip strengthens both the immune system and blood circulation, and burns some calories. 

100 calories - so much you can burn every week by taking a cold dip every morning. 

4. Replace starch with vegetables

You save a lot of calories by dropping starch from, for example, rice and pasta. 150 grams of squash spaghetti contains about 175 fewer calories than 150 grams of white pasta. After five or six weeks of this daily adjustment, you have lost one kilogram.

5. Join a bootcamp

A six-week bootcamp, where you exercise six times a week instead of three, results in 10,000 extra calories burned. It can give up to 1½ kilos less weight.

6.  Schedule active weekends

Cafe visits and red wine dinners are nice but high in calories. Decide to be active at least one day every weekend. For example, sign up for a kayak course over several weekends, or take your family for a walk in the woods.

7. Drop the beach vacation and book a fun workout. 

For example, join I FORM in Crete April 21-28. Check iform.nu/crete. 

8. Check your health

If you are struggling with high cholesterol and / or blood pressure, you can use it as motivation to eat healthier and exercise more.

9. Choose black coffee.

Woman shopping fruit

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10. Satisfy yourself with one fruit

A fruit may be worth gold for the blood sugar, but if there is ever an extra banana, a handful of grapes and a couple of three mandarins, all of a sudden there will be many calories combined.

11. Carry the baby

Toddler mothers have the best opportunity in the world to increase combustion: Take the little ones in the carrying corn on their backs instead of lounging around on a wagon. For every kilometer you travel with 10 kilos on your back, you burn about 15 extra calories.

12. Exercise Muscles

Heavy strength training, where you really strain your muscles, provides increased burn for up to two days after the actual workout.

150–200 calories - so much more you can burn and lose weight in the days after a hard workout. 

13. Train with a mate

... because you make up 10 percent more with others. That is, you burn 75-100 extra calories per workout. 

This is how you get the most out of your training with your girlfriend  and boyfriend .

14. Replace candy with frozen grapes. 

It is over 300 calories less in 100 grams of grapes than in 100 grams of candy ...

15. Before training diary

If you evaluate the results, there is a much greater chance that you will be able to trick an extra session here and there. It is very motivating to keep up with the progress.

16. Prioritize night sleep

If you sleep too little, the risk of going to candy or junk foods increases. Sleep deprivation increases the concentration of substances in the brain which increases the desire for sweet and salty.

17. Rather rowing machine than ergometer bike

When exercising, it is much more efficient to use an ellipse machine than a stair machine and a rowing machine instead of an ergo-meter bike. The more muscle that is activated when exercising, the higher the burn.

18. Drop fresh baking soda

If there is fresh baking at work one day a week, you can enjoy a lose weight reduction of 1½ – 2 kilos per year if you say no.

19. Save up to 135 calories per day 

... by choosing lean dairy products.

No thanks to sweets

20. Drop at least one bag of wing rubber

A regular bag of 140 grams of gum contains about 500 calories, so by dropping as little as one bag a week you actually lose weight as much as one kilogram in three months.

21. Take the bike to and from work

It pays for itself at short distances. If you cycle 2 x 3 kilometers a day instead of wasting time in a car queue or on a full bus or tram, you burn 125 calories. It's enough to lose five pounds in one working year.

22. Replace fruit with vegetables in the smoothie

If you use more vegetables in the smoothie, you can reduce your calorie content by as much as two-thirds.

23. Air the dog frequently

If you take three daily small walks with the dog for about one kilometer, you burn enough to lose weight one kilogram in five weeks. 

24. Eat yogurt naturally

Out with sugary yogurt and in with the natural varieties. From the first second, you save a whole tablespoon of sugar per serving and as much as three kilos in one year. 

25. Carbon dough instead of meat dough 

... saves 95 calories per 100 grams.

26. Eat a snack

A small meal of a few hundred calories in the afternoon is a smart move. Then you manage to dinner without getting hungry and avoiding overeating. The snack may consist of, for example, 25 almonds and a banana, or a slice of coarse bread with lean toppings. 

27. Exercise in training

Ready for an intense training period? Mix these activities every day for two weeks and lose one kilogram. Each of them burns about 500 calories. 

  • 45 minutes moderate running.
  • 1½ hours walk - for example, three blocks to and from work.
  • A spinning hour where you give everything.
  • ½ hour on an elliptical machine + 45 minutes strength training.

Woman stands at work

© iStock

28. Stand and work for at least three hours every single day 

... then the burn increases by as much as 75 calories. Three to four months later, you are actually one pound leaner.

29. Opt out of the lunch arrangement

Eating too much more than you need when you're in front of a crunchy lunch buffet in the canteen at work. Instead, butter a tempting lunch box.

30. Prepare the food in the kitchen 

... then the pots are not on the table, tempting. This makes it easier to stick to one serving.

31. Make 10 angel jumps - and start NOW

Repeat 10 times each day to get 100 jumps in total, and you will easily burn a full kilo of fat in three months.

32. Vary your workout

Running the same exercise routine over and over again will reduce calorie consumption, as your body will be good at saving energy. Make some changes every three weeks by, for example, replacing a long run at short intervals, or varying strength training. 

33. Bet on at least

25 grams of protein for each meal. It can be about 125 grams of meat, fish or poultry. The proteins make the meal last longer. 

Walk 7,000 extra steps a week for six weeks: 7,000 extra the first week, 14,000 extra the second, and so on. That equals 10 miles, and you lose weight about one kilo.

35. Give yourself a challenge

Sign up for a race or mini triathlon. It may be what motivates you to take an extra workout that week.

36. Start the day with a half hour walk

An early walk seems refreshing and you are ready for a new day with lots of positive energy. Plus, you lose weight up to 200 calories in half an hour.

Woman doing squats

© iStock

37. Train bones and back

Focus on the big muscles in, for example, the legs and back as you exercise strength, then the muscle mass increases by two to three kilos in a few months. Burning increases by almost 50 calories per day - even when you are not exercising.

38. Eat before you shop 

... otherwise sweets are quickly put in the basket.

39. Take a few half-days

Satisfying 250 calories a day for two of the weekdays saves you enough calories in one month to lose weight two pounds .

40. Break the habit! 

Eat one slice of bread less for lunch, drop the chocolate in the evening and go with your girlfriends instead of enjoying your coffee and cakes.

41. Make your own rules

Write some firm rules like "I don't touch candy on weekdays" in bold on a piece of paper and hang it in a visible place. This makes it easier to prioritize healthy choices.

42. Replace the hybrid

... or the race bike with a heavy women's bike, we promise you will sweat a lot more.

43. Remove fat in salad

Many healthy salads can be turned into calorie bombs when sprinkled with fat sources such as avocado, olives, feta and fatty kernels. You can effortlessly take away a few of the fatty ingredients without compromising the taste.

44. Find the correct distribution of food

Put together lunch and dinner so you get half a plate of vegetables, a quarter plate of protein and a quarter plate of starch like rice and potatoes. That way, you halve the amount of starch compared to what a regular serving looks like, lose weight and saving about 250 calories a day.

Two men and one woman take the stairs

© iStock

45. Enter minimization sessions

If you consistently take advantage of the chance to get some extra exercise in your everyday life, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you'll quickly save a few hundred calories.

This is how you get bonus training

  • Park the car far away from the entrance to the store.
  • Go and talk to a colleague instead of emailing.
  • Take the stairs.
  • Get up and walk around a bit while talking on the phone.
  • Go to the next bus stop instead of waiting.

46. ​​Clean the kitchen cabinets

The more sweet temptations you have in cabinets and drawers, the greater the risk of you throwing them over when the sweet suction comes creeping in the evening. 

47. Dipping of clouds instead of crème fraîche

Use curds instead of crème fraîche when making salad dressing or coleslaw.

48. Have dinner by a large breakfast plate

We eat not only with the mouth, but also with the eyes. Therefore, we tend to cook on the plate until it looks pretty and well-stocked. By choosing a smaller plate, you automatically shrink the meal by as much as 25 percent, or about 125-150 calories lose weight.

49. Drop liquid calories

Saturation value is usually zero when you drink calorie-rich things like gravy, soda, beer and wine. You probably eat just as much food as before, so stick to water, at least on weekdays.

50. Plus on the run with 10 minutes three times a week 

... then you burn one extra kilo of fat in three months.

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