Monday, November 4, 2019

How to take perfect squats

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Kneeling is the king's exercise in strength training. In the training video you can see how to do the exercise with just the right technique.

What is squats?

Squat provides fantastic training of a whole host of muscle groups. Unfortunately, many people do the exercise incorrectly, and they risk doing more harm than good. Below you can watch videos of different variants of squats, done with correct technique.

How to squat with weights?

Starting position:

Stand with the barbell placed on the upper part of the back muscles. Hold the bar with a slightly wider grip than shoulder width and keep your feet at shoulder width. Keep your back straight.


Bend your knees and hips and sit as deeply as you can without bending your back or pelvis tilting under you. The knees must always point in the same direction as the toes. They should not fall inwards - try squeezing your knees out instead.

Stretch your legs and return to the starting position.

How to take squats without weights?

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between the feet. Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Fold your hands behind your neck and push your elbows back slightly.

Start the movement by pushing the back of the back. Only when you are no longer behind do you bend your knees and lower your body to the floor. Stop when the upper thighs are parallel to the floor. Then stretch your legs again.

2-3 seconds down, 1 second up.

Three other forms of squats

1. Bulgarian outcome

With Bulgarian outcome you train your thighs and buttocks.

Starting position:
Place the back foot on a chair or stool and the front leg far in front of the chair. Hold the dumbbells down along the side. Straighten your back and look ahead.

Bend the front leg to the back of the thigh parallel to the floor. Keep the upper body upright as much as possible. Then press with the front leg until you are upright again. Remember to stretch your knee all the way out.

Quiet. Take 3-4 seconds to go all the way down and up.

2. Front squat

With front squats, you primarily train the front of the thigh. The front squat takes more on the front of the thighs than traditional squats. This is because the weight load is carried in front of the body. The location of the weights also protects the lower back.

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between the feet. Keep the dumbbells up in front of the chest, but as close to the body as possible. Look straight ahead.

Press your hips back as if to sit on a chair. Keep your back straight all the time.

Feel free to spend 2-3 seconds on the lowering phase. Straighten up again with a quick motion.

Do this 3 x 10-12 reps - 1 min break.

3. Squat with jump

At squats with jumps you train butt, front thigh, back thigh, inside thigh, core and balance.

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between feet. Tighten the seat muscles and hold the abdomen. Keep your hands behind your neck.

With the weight on your heels (without lifting your toes!), Push your hips back and lower your back to the floor. Lower your hips so far that they are below knee height and make sure your knees are in line with your toes. Hold your chest high.

From here you jump as high as you can and land softly with slightly bent legs, before repeating the movement.

Fast or slow, but the movement should be controlled. Do this for 1 minute per round.

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