Monday, November 4, 2019

The workout that provides increased fat burning

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Want to increase your fitness and at the same time boost fat burning? Then you should test out one of these interval sessions!


It is important that you take plenty of time to warm up before starting the intervals. If you start training too hard, the risk of injury is great, and the session itself becomes much heavier than it needs to be. Look at the warm-up as a performance-enhancing preparation for the activity you will be doing. Spend at least 10-15 minutes on the heating itself.

How to heat:

Start by walking for a few minutes on the treadmill. Have a 2-3% increase and go at a relatively fast pace. Then turn up the pace of jogging and keep that pace for 1-3 minutes. Turn down the speed again and go fast for 1-2 minutes. Then turn up again with the pace and jog for a few more minutes. Feel the body warm and the pulse rise slightly. The purpose of the heating is not to get tired, but that the body gets good and warm.


5-10 minutes of leisurely jog / fast walk. Then turn down the speed even more so that your heart rate drops and you feel that you can get back in again.

See also our article  "Exercise form that burns the most" here.

1. 30/30 INTERVALS

One of my favorites! fat burning!

Here you should work at a high speed for 30 seconds, before jumping off, standing on the side of the belt on the mill, and resting for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10-20 times. 

Adjust the speed so you can increase 0.1 km / h on each interval drag. In other words, do not start at too high a speed. Have a 1.5-3% increase on the mill.

If you do not want to run, you can go at high speed with a climb and otherwise practice the same method.

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk on the treadmill


At pyramid intervals, the duration of the drag goes up before it goes down again. Just like a pyramid.

Can be done either with seconds and a high speed, or with minutes and thus a slightly lower speed.

Increase: between 1.5-3%


Minutes: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1

Seconds: 20-30-40-50-60-50-40-30-20-10 

The break time is half the interval drag. That is, if you run for 1 minute, you should have a 30 second pause, and if you run for 30 seconds, you should have a 15 second pause.

If you choose to use the pyramid intervals with seconds, you may want to run up and down the pyramid twice, to get the most out of the session! J

Pauses: At the second pyramids, you stand on the side of the mill during the break. On the minute pyramid, you walk calmly on the treadmill during the break.  

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk on the treadmill


Would you like to test out an interval workout that really boosts motivation, and fat burning, this one might be for you!

Increase: 1.5-3% increase,

interval workout Speed: Increase the speed as the interval drag becomes shorter.

interval workout Hours: Half of working time. Stand on the side of the treadmill during the break.


2 min on / 1 min break x 2

1 min on / 30 sec pause x 4

40 sec on / 20 sec off x 6

20 sec on / 10 sec off x 8

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk

Here you will find several  interval workouts that increase calorie consumption

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