Tuesday, November 12, 2019

50 ways to lose weight a pound

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Women take high five at the fitness center
50 ways to lose weight a pound

Want to get rid of a few pounds without following a rigid diet? Tiny little changes in your daily habits can produce noticeable results in weight. Choose from more than 50 good tips to help you lose weight about 1 pound.

1. Eat more protein

Not only do they saturate well - they also accelerate combustion. If you go from 65-70 grams to about 125 grams of protein daily, the burn increases by about 60 calories per day.

2. Do 10 squats every hour throughout the day

After one month you have burned 2,500 calories and got a butt of steel. 

3. Become a winter bather

The cold dip strengthens both the immune system and blood circulation, and burns some calories. 

100 calories - so much you can burn every week by taking a cold dip every morning. 

4. Replace starch with vegetables

You save a lot of calories by dropping starch from, for example, rice and pasta. 150 grams of squash spaghetti contains about 175 fewer calories than 150 grams of white pasta. After five or six weeks of this daily adjustment, you have lost one kilogram.

5. Join a bootcamp

A six-week bootcamp, where you exercise six times a week instead of three, results in 10,000 extra calories burned. It can give up to 1½ kilos less weight.

6.  Schedule active weekends

Cafe visits and red wine dinners are nice but high in calories. Decide to be active at least one day every weekend. For example, sign up for a kayak course over several weekends, or take your family for a walk in the woods.

7. Drop the beach vacation and book a fun workout. 

For example, join I FORM in Crete April 21-28. Check iform.nu/crete. 

8. Check your health

If you are struggling with high cholesterol and / or blood pressure, you can use it as motivation to eat healthier and exercise more.

9. Choose black coffee.

Woman shopping fruit

© iStock

10. Satisfy yourself with one fruit

A fruit may be worth gold for the blood sugar, but if there is ever an extra banana, a handful of grapes and a couple of three mandarins, all of a sudden there will be many calories combined.

11. Carry the baby

Toddler mothers have the best opportunity in the world to increase combustion: Take the little ones in the carrying corn on their backs instead of lounging around on a wagon. For every kilometer you travel with 10 kilos on your back, you burn about 15 extra calories.

12. Exercise Muscles

Heavy strength training, where you really strain your muscles, provides increased burn for up to two days after the actual workout.

150–200 calories - so much more you can burn and lose weight in the days after a hard workout. 

13. Train with a mate

... because you make up 10 percent more with others. That is, you burn 75-100 extra calories per workout. 

This is how you get the most out of your training with your girlfriend  and boyfriend .

14. Replace candy with frozen grapes. 

It is over 300 calories less in 100 grams of grapes than in 100 grams of candy ...

15. Before training diary

If you evaluate the results, there is a much greater chance that you will be able to trick an extra session here and there. It is very motivating to keep up with the progress.

16. Prioritize night sleep

If you sleep too little, the risk of going to candy or junk foods increases. Sleep deprivation increases the concentration of substances in the brain which increases the desire for sweet and salty.

17. Rather rowing machine than ergometer bike

When exercising, it is much more efficient to use an ellipse machine than a stair machine and a rowing machine instead of an ergo-meter bike. The more muscle that is activated when exercising, the higher the burn.

18. Drop fresh baking soda

If there is fresh baking at work one day a week, you can enjoy a lose weight reduction of 1½ – 2 kilos per year if you say no.

19. Save up to 135 calories per day 

... by choosing lean dairy products.

No thanks to sweets

20. Drop at least one bag of wing rubber

A regular bag of 140 grams of gum contains about 500 calories, so by dropping as little as one bag a week you actually lose weight as much as one kilogram in three months.

21. Take the bike to and from work

It pays for itself at short distances. If you cycle 2 x 3 kilometers a day instead of wasting time in a car queue or on a full bus or tram, you burn 125 calories. It's enough to lose five pounds in one working year.

22. Replace fruit with vegetables in the smoothie

If you use more vegetables in the smoothie, you can reduce your calorie content by as much as two-thirds.

23. Air the dog frequently

If you take three daily small walks with the dog for about one kilometer, you burn enough to lose weight one kilogram in five weeks. 

24. Eat yogurt naturally

Out with sugary yogurt and in with the natural varieties. From the first second, you save a whole tablespoon of sugar per serving and as much as three kilos in one year. 

25. Carbon dough instead of meat dough 

... saves 95 calories per 100 grams.

26. Eat a snack

A small meal of a few hundred calories in the afternoon is a smart move. Then you manage to dinner without getting hungry and avoiding overeating. The snack may consist of, for example, 25 almonds and a banana, or a slice of coarse bread with lean toppings. 

27. Exercise in training

Ready for an intense training period? Mix these activities every day for two weeks and lose one kilogram. Each of them burns about 500 calories. 

  • 45 minutes moderate running.
  • 1½ hours walk - for example, three blocks to and from work.
  • A spinning hour where you give everything.
  • ½ hour on an elliptical machine + 45 minutes strength training.

Woman stands at work

© iStock

28. Stand and work for at least three hours every single day 

... then the burn increases by as much as 75 calories. Three to four months later, you are actually one pound leaner.

29. Opt out of the lunch arrangement

Eating too much more than you need when you're in front of a crunchy lunch buffet in the canteen at work. Instead, butter a tempting lunch box.

30. Prepare the food in the kitchen 

... then the pots are not on the table, tempting. This makes it easier to stick to one serving.

31. Make 10 angel jumps - and start NOW

Repeat 10 times each day to get 100 jumps in total, and you will easily burn a full kilo of fat in three months.

32. Vary your workout

Running the same exercise routine over and over again will reduce calorie consumption, as your body will be good at saving energy. Make some changes every three weeks by, for example, replacing a long run at short intervals, or varying strength training. 

33. Bet on at least

25 grams of protein for each meal. It can be about 125 grams of meat, fish or poultry. The proteins make the meal last longer. 

Walk 7,000 extra steps a week for six weeks: 7,000 extra the first week, 14,000 extra the second, and so on. That equals 10 miles, and you lose weight about one kilo.

35. Give yourself a challenge

Sign up for a race or mini triathlon. It may be what motivates you to take an extra workout that week.

36. Start the day with a half hour walk

An early walk seems refreshing and you are ready for a new day with lots of positive energy. Plus, you lose weight up to 200 calories in half an hour.

Woman doing squats

© iStock

37. Train bones and back

Focus on the big muscles in, for example, the legs and back as you exercise strength, then the muscle mass increases by two to three kilos in a few months. Burning increases by almost 50 calories per day - even when you are not exercising.

38. Eat before you shop 

... otherwise sweets are quickly put in the basket.

39. Take a few half-days

Satisfying 250 calories a day for two of the weekdays saves you enough calories in one month to lose weight two pounds .

40. Break the habit! 

Eat one slice of bread less for lunch, drop the chocolate in the evening and go with your girlfriends instead of enjoying your coffee and cakes.

41. Make your own rules

Write some firm rules like "I don't touch candy on weekdays" in bold on a piece of paper and hang it in a visible place. This makes it easier to prioritize healthy choices.

42. Replace the hybrid

... or the race bike with a heavy women's bike, we promise you will sweat a lot more.

43. Remove fat in salad

Many healthy salads can be turned into calorie bombs when sprinkled with fat sources such as avocado, olives, feta and fatty kernels. You can effortlessly take away a few of the fatty ingredients without compromising the taste.

44. Find the correct distribution of food

Put together lunch and dinner so you get half a plate of vegetables, a quarter plate of protein and a quarter plate of starch like rice and potatoes. That way, you halve the amount of starch compared to what a regular serving looks like, lose weight and saving about 250 calories a day.

Two men and one woman take the stairs

© iStock

45. Enter minimization sessions

If you consistently take advantage of the chance to get some extra exercise in your everyday life, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you'll quickly save a few hundred calories.

This is how you get bonus training

  • Park the car far away from the entrance to the store.
  • Go and talk to a colleague instead of emailing.
  • Take the stairs.
  • Get up and walk around a bit while talking on the phone.
  • Go to the next bus stop instead of waiting.

46. ​​Clean the kitchen cabinets

The more sweet temptations you have in cabinets and drawers, the greater the risk of you throwing them over when the sweet suction comes creeping in the evening. 

47. Dipping of clouds instead of crème fraîche

Use curds instead of crème fraîche when making salad dressing or coleslaw.

48. Have dinner by a large breakfast plate

We eat not only with the mouth, but also with the eyes. Therefore, we tend to cook on the plate until it looks pretty and well-stocked. By choosing a smaller plate, you automatically shrink the meal by as much as 25 percent, or about 125-150 calories lose weight.

49. Drop liquid calories

Saturation value is usually zero when you drink calorie-rich things like gravy, soda, beer and wine. You probably eat just as much food as before, so stick to water, at least on weekdays.

50. Plus on the run with 10 minutes three times a week 

... then you burn one extra kilo of fat in three months.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Is smart drug really that good? Tried it, and too good

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Cheap new designer drugs are awesome, expensive old drugs are boring, and drugs and health are in vogue, and in our fast-paced world, who would have time to enter the blind world for fun? Perhaps that is why the so-called smart drugs became so fashionable.

The smart dog doesn't make pertinent comments or solve puzzles for you, but it can't even fool cops. The cleverness of smart drugs is to be understood as being drugs which, in principle, make users smarter, but at least much more concentrated, while not poisoning or addicting their bodies.
In other words, we have come to the point where the hottest group of drugs at the moment serves disappointingly practical purposes. Instead of crazy sex, visions, or smiling dance frenzy, they promise you to be like a Japanese-Swiss-German mule: if you take them, you will become more capable of work, more diligent, focused, you will not be sleepy, but most of all you would have it in your head, not your intestine. That's why they are also called the student or work drugs.

Without further ado, I can say that there are few better people on earth for smart drug testing. I have been sleeping 5-6 hours a day for years, and when I am awake and working, I have to produce a variety of more or less creative texts, typically with very short deadlines, sometimes quite unrealistic. This lifestyle has brought me over the years basically a bunch of legal, gray, and illegal methods to wake my attention so that now I have come to the conclusion that there is no better work drug than 8 hours of sleep a day and the only thing that really works.

ENERGY is easy to access and very delicate, in exchange for up to a few heartbeats. I never became smarter, faster or more focused, and after consuming, I generally felt just as tired as before, and at most I couldn't sleep.
FROM COFFEE, which I started drinking only a year ago, I get a heart attack like a heartbeat for 3/4 hours, which finally gives the illusion of activity. The effect of your real three out of four is that during my seizure, my hands are shaking and I have to pee like never in my life. Of the four, I don't have to urinate once but almost shit myself.
From butter to SUPERCAVA, the same heart attack is plagued with 3-4 hours instead of 3/4, which is so long that it is even worth writing. Typing is more agile, people seem to speed up, but the writing process itself does not really get up to speed.
The SPIDER at first glance seems dizzyingly good for you to realize quickly how much you have sucked it. You are really going to write as fast as you have ever in your life, just high-profile bullshit that you will additionally be ashamed of if you sober up. But the worst thing about the hell is that it makes your attention extremely scattered, instead of focusing your attention, and your next day, when you become like a zombie, also disappears. Not to mention brain cells that have died in the meantime.
Although stimulants marketed under the name HERBAL EXTASY and similar names are spinning, they do so with almost visceral symptoms due to the presence of ephedrine. Ephedrine, in addition, made my heartache, which you may just believe, but it is just as uncomfortable as it is for a reason.
In a sense, the US drug ADDERALL, a special amphetamine-containing drug used to sedate normally hyperactive young children, has proved to be the most effective illegal work drug so far, and this is no accident in US journalists. (This was the tablet taken by a mother in the First Series of Born Wives to sew costumes to her child's school play in the morning.) That really makes people more focused and speed doesn't have to be to the detriment of quality, the effect, in addition, it will appear evenly for 10-11 hours. But the more sensitive ones can even feel as if they are ripped off, and the next day it's a bit like we're after some exhausting party.
The new drug can finally come!
After such a history, I grabbed Modafinil from the net, perhaps the most popular of new or smart drugs. The drug itself is not a novelty and has been on the market for over a year as a prescription drug in the US, originally prescribed for narcolepsy and other pathologically sleepy people. Although the substance tested and approved - that is, out there - the mechanism of action is unknown, it is only suspected that it acts on nerve endings in the brain. However, it has recently become so popular that it is one of the daily foods of the world's scientists, alongside exams, busy office slaves and unwilling soldiers. The latter is also because it has been re-examined by a number of major university laboratories after being transformed from a semi-well-known drug into a global fashion and found harmless in the short term.

I didn't have to prepare much for the test, because I got the tablets to try out on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, I was planning to write at home all day because I'm working on a futures book project.

I took one 200 milligram tablet at about eleven in the morning.

He came! But how?
In the beginning, I was most curious that if what his fans were saying about the drug - that without drug-like effects it would help people to concentrate much better - would I ever feel that it had begun to work. After all, that "better concentration" seems quite elusive. After a few minutes, there was no question that the tablet was working enthusiastically. How do I know? In fact, I have no idea, because I have had little or no symptoms of entering drugs. My head did not ring, nor did it clap, nor did my hands begin to tremble gently, my blood pressure did not rise, my eyes did not dazzle, my heart did not clap and I did not warm up. That's when I realized there was something that I suddenly had the urge to write as it should every day. Not only did I feel like it, but I cut it off without delay, leaving out the initial pumping.

Physically, in the first hour after taking, I felt more spirited, then my momentum continued steadily for roughly 8 hours. However, physically, even during this first hour, I experienced much milder symptoms than I usually feel after drinking a cup of coffee. (It includes my body being more responsive to coffee than average.) However, modafinil's labor effects are not reflected in its acceleration. The point was that not only did I come to work, but I did what I planned to do. Under the influence of modafinil, I did not do - practically I did not write - anything I would not have written otherwise. I was just actually typing in what I had invented, contrary to my usual practice.

We were able to focus
Just as far as it has been remotely similar to this, Adderall alone has had me. But, like any other amphetamine derivative, it not only narrowed my focus but sometimes made it completely scattered while someone in my ear drummed almost nonstop. True, when I clicked, I was able to write something with the full swing for three to four hours with Adderall, but I was also in the deck to start searching for something completely irrelevant on the net and mixing more and more with my original theme. I'm not saying that in the first hour and a half after taking modafinil, I didn't write a bunch of letters to editorial lists, but I was always able to get back to writing the book to do just one thing at a time in the next 6-7 hours, but intensely.

It feels good to write a lot, but obviously only if you are producing useless text under the influence of something clicky. In retrospect, I have already written tighter texts than those produced on the test day, but thanks to God, it didn't make me morbidly chatty. The text I wrote with one tweak proved to be an absolutely acceptable quality with some post-editing and filing. The volume was quite impressive at the end: at the end of the day, I had roughly 20 flicks more than the morning.

It is a common drawback of these types of drugs that they do not let them fall asleep not only during but well after they have been consumed. As I expected, this proved to be the weak point of modafinil, but the situation was less distressing than I expected. It seemed to me that I slept much more superficially than usual, making it easier for me to wake up to the stimuli of the outside world and then find it harder to fall back asleep. But basically, at least I could sleep. This can be a trap if you take it regularly: because you get worse from it, you will be tired and it will be easier to reach it the next day. But I only assume this because I didn't do serial testing. Anyway, the next day, I was craving for another pill as if I was addicted, but I didn't break anywhere to get stuff.

Both drug dealers and doctors have long argued that modafinil is not an addictive drug. You can also read about research that raises dopamine levels in the brain so consumers can still get used to it. But the purpose of my test was not to study the long-term effects of the drug.

after Shooting
After the first, I was able to get two more tablets for testing. Once, under average conditions, and once after much less than average sleep, I tried it on a hard day at work.

The second time was roughly the same as the first, with an intensity of, say, 70-80%. Thirdly, it turned out that the tablet is not a panacea, but it works well for me because it was able to pull me out of my day-long, sleep-deprived, fly-like state so much that it was not a pain gel in my head but a very slow brain. If I had been more successful, it would have scared me.

Not all papa cheese
Of course, this type of material does not affect all consumers in the same way. A BBC reporter who also tested the drug, for example, felt more alert, but instead of focusing, he became more scattered, had a severe headache, and was unable to fall asleep until dawn. I may have been lucky, but considering the popularity of student drugs, it seems likely that I may not be an atypical consumer.

Modafinil is a resident of the gray zone in Hungary. The drug is not registered as medicine with us, but its active ingredient is not on any blacklist. They buy with online orders, which is, of course, a huge lure, because how do we really know what is in the pastilles we sell.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The exercises you should do BEFORE you run

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Amalie Constance Tefre Skage, personal trainer and instructor, shows Page2 three great exercises you can do to stretch before you run.

- We are so sedentary and leaning forward everyday, so when you are out and running or jogging, it is important not to continue those movements. Then you end up bending forward as you run, something you shouldn't. Theis important to think attitude, says personal trainer Amalie Constance Tefre Skage at Barry's Bootcamp.

Now that spring has come (YES!), Many have brought the running shoes. For most people, a natural warming is a bit slow, before setting the pace. But Amalie thinks it's just as important to take some stretching exercises before you start running.

- Our body is a complex matter and nerve signals should be sent out, so to put it simply, you should "connect" before running. Then it is okay to stretch out, and opened the pelvis and back. And as mentioned, change your attitude so that you do not continue the "forward-thinking" attitude.

Amalie thinks the warm-up should take about ten minutes, but once you have the exercises well incorporated, you can do them in about five minutes.

Here are three good warm-up exercises:

1.The World's Greatest Stretch - It's a very nice rotation exercise. You get stretched pelvis and hip, and get a nice rotation in the thorax / chest. It is nice to stretch in the exercises you do not use for everyday life. The body is made to go in those directions, but we forget to use them.

Exercise 1: The World's Greatest Stretch
Exercise 1: The World's Greatest

2. Low tension combined with plank

- Shoulders and abdomen work, while getting the leg straight. If you have a slightly bent knee you will get stretched Achilles, with stretched knee you will stretch the entire calf muscle.

Exercise 2: Laying stretch combined with plank
Exercise 2: Laying stretch combined with

3. Toraks

- In this forward-leaning world, it is good to get stretched properly. And also get the job done with the opposite movement. You get stretched your entire upper body and spine. Here you work with movement between the shoulder blades.

Exercise 3: Thorax
Exercise 3:

Also read: How to get good at running

Therefore, running is good training

Many of us are members of the fitness center, but it can be more tempting to be out when the sun comes after a long winter. Amalie thinks running is a good form of training - because you can be outside and also get resistance from nature.

- Running is good because it's easy. You only need running shoes and a tights. And it is good to use nature when the weather is nice, because we have a lot of back hills, and also some hiking trails. If you need it, be careful and use soft surface.

When it comes to running technique, Amalie thinks it's important to think about attitude and farming:

- Don't swing and swing your arms. You must use your powers straight forward! And think about knee lift and try to run on the forefoot. You should stand up and push off, and have a strong, fine and tight ankle.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Myths and truths about eggs

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Myths and truths about eggs

Did you know this about the popular food?

Anette Skarpaas Ramm is a clinical nutritionist and works at the Volvat Medical Center. She writes about nutrition for Shape Up.

Eggs have many properties that are useful in cooking, while providing high quality protein and most of the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Eggs can be cooked in many ways and are suitable for much more than just breakfast.

First, some common myths and misconceptions about eggs in the diet:

Myth 1: "It's healthier with egg white than egg yolk"

In some environments it has become common to use only the egg white of the egg. This probably comes from little understanding of what the egg actually consists of. The most nutritious part of the egg is the plum. In the plum we find the absolute highest proportion of vitamins and minerals.

If we only choose to eat egg white, we lose some important nutrients such as vitamins A, E, D, B12 and iron.

- In the last decade, the consumption of eggs has increased from 11 kilos to 13 kilos per person per year.  An egg varies in size, but if we assume that the eggs weigh on average 63 g, then on average it amounts to 206 eggs per person per year.
- In the last decade, the consumption of eggs has increased from 11 kilos to 13 kilos per person per year. An egg varies in size, but if we assume that the eggs weigh on average 63 g, then on average it amounts to 206 eggs per person per year.

Myth 2: "We should eat a maximum of two eggs a week"

The Directorate of Health has not issued a specific recommendation on the amount of eggs we should eat weekly. Eggs contain cholesterol, but studies have shown that intake of saturated fat and trans fat is more important for blood cholesterol values ​​than cholesterol intake. This means that most of us can continue to eat eggs without thinking about the amount.

Those who are heart disease and / or have high cholesterol may be advised to reduce their cholesterol intake, and then it may be convenient to stick to two eggs per week.

Did you know that it takes longer to cook eggs in the mountains than in the lowlands?  This is because the water boils at different temperatures.  Something to keep in mind for your next Easter trip!
Did you know that it takes longer to cook eggs in the mountains than in the lowlands? This is because the water boils at different temperatures. Something to keep in mind for your next Easter trip!

Myth 3: When the eggs have expired, we should throw them

Norwegian eggs are stamped with "best before" date. That doesn't mean they are bad after this date. If the eggs have been in the refrigerator, they can be eaten nicely after date stamping.

How often should one eat eggs?

The Directorate of Health makes no specific recommendation on egg intake. How often we should eat eggs depends on the diet otherwise. A diet low in vitamins, minerals or protein will be enriched by adding eggs because eggs are a very nutritious food. For example, it is a great food to include in the diet of those who do not eat meat or fish because of the intake of B12.

If animal products are excluded from the diet, B12 must be administered as an oral supplement or syringe form by a physician. For people who do not have heart disease and / or high cholesterol, there is nothing in the way of eating eggs every day.

If you have high cholesterol

High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Eggs contain cholesterol, but ingestion of eggs does not have to raise blood cholesterol. Egg yolk has a high content of cholesterol (845 mg cholesterol per 100 g). Although eggs may contribute to a higher intake of cholesterol, it does not mean that egg intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.


How cholesterol intake affects blood cholesterol is individual. Some are sensitive to cholesterol in the diet, while others are not. Because there are individual differences, it is difficult to give specific advice on the amount of eggs per week, but if you are among those who do not have high blood cholesterol and / or heart disease, you can eat more eggs a week.

MANY VARIETIES: Eggs can be eaten in countless varieties, like here beside pancakes.
MANY VARIETIES: Eggs can be eaten in countless varieties, like here beside pancakes.

What does eggs contain?

Eggs are a nutrient dense food which means that it contributes a lot of nutrients at relatively low energy. The protein is of high quality, which means that the protein contains the essential amino acids and that the protein is bioavailable.

Simply put, we can say that protein from eggs contains all the important building blocks, and the body can utilize them.

Egg (100 g) Recommendation per day100 g of egg yield Percentage of recommended intake (%)
Energy2305 kcal143 kcal6.2
carbohydrate272-363 g0.3 g 0.08 to 0.1
Vitamin A700 RAE * 215 RAE * 30.7
Vitamin D10 µg (micrograms)4 µg 40
Vitamin B61.2 mg0.12 mg 10
Vitamin B122 µg 2.3 µg 115
Iodine150 µg 34.7 µg 23.1
Iron15 mg 2.2 mg 14.7

The table shows the recommended intake of a variety of nutrients, the content of the nutrients in 100 g of eggs (about 1.5 eggs), and the proportion of the recommended intake for the various nutrients covered by the intake of 100 g of eggs.

The reference is a woman between 18 and 30 years of age, sedentary work and has 2-3 hours of physical activity per week, daily energy requirement of 2305 kcal.

* RAE: 1 RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents) corresponds to 1 microgram (µg) of retinol. Retinol is the active form of vitamin A, which the body can utilize.

What are the different nutrients good for?

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for visual function and cell division. Deficiency of vitamin A has also been shown to adversely affect the resistance to infectious diseases.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that has a number of functions in the body. The vitamin is important for good bone health and good cardiovascular health.

Iodine: Iodine is required for the synthesis of hormones T3 and T4 that regulate metabolism. Therefore, a lack of iodine can cause metabolic disorders.

Iron: Iron is an important component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen around the body. In the case of iron deficiency, the ability to carry oxygen around the body can be reduced and we can feel limp and tired.

B12: B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is the coenzyme for important processes in the cell. Lack of B12 inhibits cell division and can lead to low blood percentage and nerve damage.

B6: B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is primarily involved in the conversion of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

5 eggs

5 tablespoons mayonnaise

salt and pepper

chives (can be looped)

This is what you do:

Boil eggs. Share the eggs. If you have egg parts, you can divide the egg once more, turn the egg over and divide again. Put sliced ​​eggs in a bowl, add mayonnaise and turn mayonnaise in. Season with salt and pepper.

- Nutritious and filling accessories for bread or crispbread.

vegetable omelet

DELICIOUS: Vegetable omelets are filling and really good.
DELICIOUS: Vegetable omelets are filling and really good.

6 eggs

6 tablespoons water

4 boiled potatoes

1 onion

½ pepper

¼ squash

¼ eggplant

rapeseed oil for frying

salt and pepper

This is what you do:

Cut up potatoes and vegetables. Fry the vegetables in a pan with oil for a few minutes. Put in the cooked potatoes and cook for a few more minutes. Whisk eggs with water and pour into pan. Leave to consistency. Avoid too high a temperature to prevent the omelette from burning at the bottom. Feel free to put a lid on it.

- The leftover food tastes good and is environmentally friendly. In this dish there are good opportunities to use leftovers such as meat, sausages, potatoes and vegetables.

Homemade mayonnaise

You need:

2 pcs. egg yolks

2 tablespoons water

3 dl of rapeseed oil

1 teaspoon white wine vinegar

1 tbsp dijon mustard


This is what you do:

Pour all ingredients (except the oil) into a narrow container. Place the hand blender on the bottom and carefully pour over the oil. The oil is lighter than the other ingredients and will settle on top. Start the pole mixer. As the mixture begins to thicken, gradually lift the mixer upwards.

- The main ingredient in mayonnaise is rapeseed oil, so the fat in the mayonnaise consists mainly of unsaturated fatty acids. This means that mayonnaise can be used as a healthy source of fat for different foods.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Eat healthier, lower quality of life

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Almost regardless of which newspaper or online magazine you read today, you are bombarded with various dietary tips. Either it is these "super-healthy" foods that you should eat more of, or they are often the "dangerous" foods you should eat less of, and sometimes you want to cut out completely. But, who is really right, and what does the word really mean?


It's no wonder you get confused when one week you can read that carrots are carcinogenic and should therefore be avoided, before we can read in the same newspaper, just the week after, that we need to eat more carrots. Why? Yes, because it is probably good for you.  

How often have you not heard this: "If you are going to lose weight, you have to cut out all your favorite foods, and at least gluten, pizza and chocolate"? I tear my hair every single time I hear this. It is, in fact, completely misleading and very, very wrong.  

In my job as a personal trainer and dietitian, I guide and coach people with different conditions, desires and needs on a daily basis. Some of them have a goal of losing weight, and guess what? They eat both gluten, pizza and chocolate, AND they lose weight. They do not eat it every day, and not a 200 gram chocolate plate every time. But a little sometimes, and in moderate amounts.


What is known as "healthy" and "clean" food largely depends on who you ask, and not least who is going to eat the food.

If you ask a low-carb guru about which foods to stay away from, the answer would undoubtedly have been carbohydrates and sugars. If you ask a vegan about the same, he or she might have listed twenty different reasons as to why exactly you should stay away from all animal products. you ask a fitness practitioner if your mom's homemade meatballs are healthy, he or she will most likely be able to roll his eyes at the same time as he or she pulls in a packet of rice cakes. And so it goes.

The idea of ​​classifying foods as healthy or unhealthy is basically irrational, and often (read: almost always) lacks scientific evidence to substantiate this.


There are also great individual differences between us humans. Something that is "healthy" for one person does not necessarily have to be "healthy" for another. Take, for example, an athlete who practices several hours a day, and therefore needs quick nutrition between sessions. Then maybe a sugary sports drink may be just what it takes. But, for an obese, inactive person with type 2 diabetes, maybe that sports drink is not "healthy" anyway?

I get a lot of questions every day about what is best for you and what, and what is most optimal to either eat or exercise. The answer is almost always the same: "it depends". One has to look at the whole picture. Not just the exercise and the diet, but life in general. After all, don't forget that exercise and diet have to be adapted to it after all.


It has almost become "in" to have gluten allergy at the moment, but is it really that it's gluten's fault that we keep getting fatter and fatter?

Of course, there are some groups of people who should avoid certain types of food due to medical reasons. This applies, for example, to those who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, who must then avoid gluten-containing foods. However, this applies to a very small percentage of the population. It does NOT apply to Aunt Magda at 50, who has found out she gets fat from the two gluten-containing bread slices she eats for breakfast, but forgets that she eats over 1 kg of chocolate on the weekends, with gluten. Often, foods without gluten will contain MORE calories than similar foods with gluten will do. So, if you are healthy and can withstand gluten, there is actually very little reason to cut it out.


Having a "healthy" diet does not necessarily have to be rocket research, and unfortunately I think we tend to complicate it too much. In order to have a so-called "healthy" diet, the food should be varied, contain well with vitamins and minerals, and that you get the amount of food your body needs. Depending on, among other things, goals and activity level.

Eat foods you like, and please do not force yourself into a box of cottage cheese, which you cannot really demand, because some nutritionist has said that you need it to lose weight. You should also not eat spirulina for every meal, nor starve yourself five days a week, and then eat the other two. Do you get lucky in your soul of the one sliced ​​slice of Nugatti for Saturday breakfast? Well, then you eat one slice, and then life goes on.


So, can we really conclude something here? One thing that almost all so-called "experts" agree on is that vegetables are good for you.

In fact, you don't automatically become fat from carbohydrates, or sugar. You also don't automatically get fat from eating fat, or the one chocolate you treat on Saturday night. You become fat from too much food over time. I would also dare to say that some of what matters most in being able to say whether something is healthy or unhealthy is just the amount. You can get fat from the chicken fillet too, you just have to eat enough of it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The workout that provides increased fat burning

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Want to increase your fitness and at the same time boost fat burning? Then you should test out one of these interval sessions!


It is important that you take plenty of time to warm up before starting the intervals. If you start training too hard, the risk of injury is great, and the session itself becomes much heavier than it needs to be. Look at the warm-up as a performance-enhancing preparation for the activity you will be doing. Spend at least 10-15 minutes on the heating itself.

How to heat:

Start by walking for a few minutes on the treadmill. Have a 2-3% increase and go at a relatively fast pace. Then turn up the pace of jogging and keep that pace for 1-3 minutes. Turn down the speed again and go fast for 1-2 minutes. Then turn up again with the pace and jog for a few more minutes. Feel the body warm and the pulse rise slightly. The purpose of the heating is not to get tired, but that the body gets good and warm.


5-10 minutes of leisurely jog / fast walk. Then turn down the speed even more so that your heart rate drops and you feel that you can get back in again.

See also our article  "Exercise form that burns the most" here.

1. 30/30 INTERVALS

One of my favorites! fat burning!

Here you should work at a high speed for 30 seconds, before jumping off, standing on the side of the belt on the mill, and resting for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10-20 times. 

Adjust the speed so you can increase 0.1 km / h on each interval drag. In other words, do not start at too high a speed. Have a 1.5-3% increase on the mill.

If you do not want to run, you can go at high speed with a climb and otherwise practice the same method.

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk on the treadmill


At pyramid intervals, the duration of the drag goes up before it goes down again. Just like a pyramid.

Can be done either with seconds and a high speed, or with minutes and thus a slightly lower speed.

Increase: between 1.5-3%


Minutes: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1

Seconds: 20-30-40-50-60-50-40-30-20-10 

The break time is half the interval drag. That is, if you run for 1 minute, you should have a 30 second pause, and if you run for 30 seconds, you should have a 15 second pause.

If you choose to use the pyramid intervals with seconds, you may want to run up and down the pyramid twice, to get the most out of the session! J

Pauses: At the second pyramids, you stand on the side of the mill during the break. On the minute pyramid, you walk calmly on the treadmill during the break.  

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk on the treadmill


Would you like to test out an interval workout that really boosts motivation, and fat burning, this one might be for you!

Increase: 1.5-3% increase,

interval workout Speed: Increase the speed as the interval drag becomes shorter.

interval workout Hours: Half of working time. Stand on the side of the treadmill during the break.


2 min on / 1 min break x 2

1 min on / 30 sec pause x 4

40 sec on / 20 sec off x 6

20 sec on / 10 sec off x 8

Staircase: 5-10 minutes leisurely walk

Here you will find several  interval workouts that increase calorie consumption

How to take perfect squats

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Kneeling is the king's exercise in strength training. In the training video you can see how to do the exercise with just the right technique.

What is squats?

Squat provides fantastic training of a whole host of muscle groups. Unfortunately, many people do the exercise incorrectly, and they risk doing more harm than good. Below you can watch videos of different variants of squats, done with correct technique.

How to squat with weights?

Starting position:

Stand with the barbell placed on the upper part of the back muscles. Hold the bar with a slightly wider grip than shoulder width and keep your feet at shoulder width. Keep your back straight.


Bend your knees and hips and sit as deeply as you can without bending your back or pelvis tilting under you. The knees must always point in the same direction as the toes. They should not fall inwards - try squeezing your knees out instead.

Stretch your legs and return to the starting position.

How to take squats without weights?

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between the feet. Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Fold your hands behind your neck and push your elbows back slightly.

Start the movement by pushing the back of the back. Only when you are no longer behind do you bend your knees and lower your body to the floor. Stop when the upper thighs are parallel to the floor. Then stretch your legs again.

2-3 seconds down, 1 second up.

Three other forms of squats

1. Bulgarian outcome

With Bulgarian outcome you train your thighs and buttocks.

Starting position:
Place the back foot on a chair or stool and the front leg far in front of the chair. Hold the dumbbells down along the side. Straighten your back and look ahead.

Bend the front leg to the back of the thigh parallel to the floor. Keep the upper body upright as much as possible. Then press with the front leg until you are upright again. Remember to stretch your knee all the way out.

Quiet. Take 3-4 seconds to go all the way down and up.

2. Front squat

With front squats, you primarily train the front of the thigh. The front squat takes more on the front of the thighs than traditional squats. This is because the weight load is carried in front of the body. The location of the weights also protects the lower back.

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between the feet. Keep the dumbbells up in front of the chest, but as close to the body as possible. Look straight ahead.

Press your hips back as if to sit on a chair. Keep your back straight all the time.

Feel free to spend 2-3 seconds on the lowering phase. Straighten up again with a quick motion.

Do this 3 x 10-12 reps - 1 min break.

3. Squat with jump

At squats with jumps you train butt, front thigh, back thigh, inside thigh, core and balance.

Starting position:
Stand with shoulder-width distance between feet. Tighten the seat muscles and hold the abdomen. Keep your hands behind your neck.

With the weight on your heels (without lifting your toes!), Push your hips back and lower your back to the floor. Lower your hips so far that they are below knee height and make sure your knees are in line with your toes. Hold your chest high.

From here you jump as high as you can and land softly with slightly bent legs, before repeating the movement.

Fast or slow, but the movement should be controlled. Do this for 1 minute per round.